The Supreme Court has been asked to determine whether Donald Trump can be removed from the ballot under the 14th Amendment. In a two-party system, there will be implications.
The Colonists Finally Come Around

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Well, let’s look at the Supreme Court. You can evaluate the court in one of two ways. First, they are either “pure,” that is, they reach their decisions solely based on the merits of the law and jurisprudence and logic and decency. For those lobotomy survivors who think this, look up the Dred Scott decision and the Bush v. Gore ruling. Second? The court is a political entity that weighs decisions against public opinion and Washington expedience. Why haven’t they run Thomas out on a rail? The delicate dance that is Beltway politics.
With all of that established. … Donald Trump has played this all with consummate skill. Rather, he has benefited from the democratic party having the strategizing capacities of an imbecile in a hurry. The big question: Why, nearly two weeks after the “insurrection” did the democrats not have a subpoena, a writ, a lawsuit, ANYTHING, ready to slap on Trump the second Biden took his hand off the familyfaithfaithfamily Bible that Dr. Jill put his hand on? Why were the necessary legal steps to thwart his possible return to politics not cut off, procedurally, when it would have not been a problem?
Now? Trump owned Iowa. He’s about to make New Hampshire his bitch, and Alsoran 1 and Alsoran 2 are trying to act like they have a hope in Hell of succeeding in winning the Republican nomination. And the democrats? Sat on their hands for a year and didn’t do a thing. Even if the Supreme Court was made up of nine Hillary Clinton clones, they would rule the only way they can: “We can’t block Trump because he is, clearly, going to be the nominee for the Republicans. The whole gimmick of the crooked system requires the fantasy that this is a nation of laws. So we HAFTA let him run. Unless you want us to demand Joe Biden take a test for signs of Alzheimers?”
Part of me hopes the court DOES disqualify Trump. If you want a civil war, there are faster ways, but none as certain.