
The United States identifies as a democracy but it behaves like an authoritarian duopoly. Is it too late to transition?

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  • Once again (I sincerely congratulate you Ted) as the problem has been named here with extreme accuracy.

    All that is needed now is a public capable of understanding what they really are and who they really are.

    I fear the many will not overcome their childhood indoctrination, commonly known as education.

    So many speak of war atrocities without recognizing that war IS atrocity.

  • I realize it might disrupt the intended flow of the strip … but isn’t that national birth assignment a “slavery based kleptocracy”… with almost 300 years of genocidal origins?

  • alex_the_tired
    April 7, 2022 7:26 AM

    Excellent, Ted, the idea of “Uncle” Sam questioning his, ah, orientation. Perhaps we could simply get rid of these pointless labels that don’t actually apply? “Democracy?” ATW (according to Wikipedia) other than three cantons in Switzerland there are no direct democracies in the world. Even the ancient Greeks, who invented democracy, didn’t have it. “Everyone” voted insomuch as “everyone” was “some of the men.” So why are we discussing it like it exists beyond bodies politic larger than the population of Gilligan’s Island? Perhaps a better form of identification could be something like the Geek Code with various criteria being identified (e.g., literacy, poverty level, infant mortality, average daily caloric intake, percentage of prisoners, etc.) in the code. Frankly, for the average citizen, would living in a monarchy where everyone can read and no one gets shot in the back of the head during a traffic stop, “better” than a “democracy” in which 41% of the voters don’t even get a candidate aligned with their political leanings, election after election?

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