Remember: He’s the Liberal

No president or politician is perfect. But it’s especially dispiriting to see President Joe Biden actively cheerleading the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza. Tens of thousands of civilians have been gratuitously killed in what he himself describes as indiscriminate bombing, yet he continues to defy Congress in order to send more weapons of death to Netanyahu’s barbaric regime.

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  • alex_the_tired
    December 20, 2023 5:40 AM

    In ‘Mericuh, the Jewish population is about 2.5%, and about 70% democrat leaning. That voting bloc is located mostly in democrat-leaning states. Texas has about 750,000, who are utterly irrelevant as voters for the democrats at the national level. (Sorry, Kinky Friedman.)

    Similarly, a lot of Jewish voters live in New York or California, which are so heavily tilted toward democrats that, again, those voters are not of any real weight for the democrats.

    I think Biden is going to be the incumbent who finally demonstrates that the Jewish voting bloc is much more hat than cattle. His support for the Israeli government in this issue of utterly annihilating Gaza simply will not be a net positive for him vote-wise.

    Further, due to inflation, how the war in Afghanistan closed as a Laurel & Hardy comedy (as imagined by a Grindhouse director), how Ukraine is about to turn into a low-grade Vietnam as Putin takes it over by swamping it with Russian corpses, and that the Israeli government is about to become an international pariah, Barbara Tuchman’s “The March of Folly” comes to mind.

    All that’s left is for Biden to drag the big wooden horse into the city.

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