Mitt Romney says that if he paid more taxes than required legally, he wouldn’t be qualified to be president. Chintziness: it’s a way of lifeâand a constitutional requirement!
Free Syrian Army rebels, supported with money and arms by the United States, are establishing Taliban-style sharia law in the areas they control. Here we go again, replacing secular socialist governments with Islamist fanatics poised to become our future enemies.
Romney claims he “retroactively retired” from Bain Capital in 2001, with effect in 1999âbefore Bain went on a spree of aggressive downsizing and outsourcing of thousands of American jobs. Can Romney’s victims climb into a legal time machine too?
Mitt Romney releases part of his 2010 tax returns, but not 2011 or previous years. What is he hiding? When you make $22 million a year, the odds are…a lot.
The median American earns $40,000 per year. Obama and Romney, who earn $800,000 and $22,000,000 per year respectively, are arguing about which of them has more in common with the typical American wageearner. In reality, of course, neither of them can relate.
President Obama is urging people to be patient on the economy. The problem is, our creditors keep sending their bills, month after month, while our wages stagnate and disappear.
Authorities say a West Virginia man tortured and enslaved his wife for much of the past decade, forcing her to endure two pregnancies and deliveries in shackles. Of course, torture is only against the law if you do it on a freelance basis, not as an official of the government.