The Republicans’ Political Suicide

Republicans had it all: Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court. Then they floated a “repeal and replace” plan to get rid of Obamacare, apparently an act of political suicide. Healthcare is the new third rail in American politics.

The United States of Entropy

Americans are optimistic people. They think things can only get better. In fact, as we are learning now, things can always get worse, no matter how bad they are now.

Donald Trump Finds Out the CIA Has Been Spying On Him

According to WikiLeaks, the CIA uses a program called Weeping Angel to turn Americans’ smart televisions into bugs that work even when they are powered down. It turns out that the CIA is spying on Americans like the NSA was at the time of the Edward Snowden leaks. But hey, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear, right?

How a Law is Made: Trump Edition

Most presidents begin their first term by proposing legislation. Not Donald Trump. It isn’t surprising that he does everything differently and this is no exception. However, his approach of issuing a blizzard of executive orders — which is amusing considering how much he criticized this practice under President Obama — marks a major departure in the way legislation happens in the United States. Could this be the way that dictatorship begins coming out with a bang but with a whimper?

You Might Just Be an ICE Deportation Goon If…

Trump wants to add 10,000 employees to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service under the Department of Homeland Security. This huge increase would largely be dedicated to carrying out mass deportations ordered in order to follow up his campaign promises. You kind of have to ask yourself: what kind of person would want to do this kind of work?

OMG Now We’ll Have to Report on Actual News?

Major news outlets including CNN, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and BuzzFeed were banned from a recent White House press briefing with Donald Trump press secretary Sean Spicer. While most people are focusing on the fact that these outlets were banned for publishing things that displeased the White House, what about the fact that these guys shouldn’t be attending such events in the first place? Whatever happened to real reporting?

Take It From Me: Who Uses Your Bathroom Is So Not a Big Deal

Entering the “bathroom wars” surrounding laws like North Carolina’s rule prohibiting transgender people from using the restrooms associated with their gender identities, the Trump Administration will roll back Obama-era regulations that allow transgender students to use their appropriate restroom. Take it from my personal experience, though…really, who uses your restroom is so not a big deal it’s ridiculous.
