Here Come the Robo-Bankers

Deutsche Bank says that it could replace half of its 97,000 employees with robots within the next 20 years. Setting aside the obvious economic implications –€“ if robots replace us, how are we supposed to earn a living? — this makes one wonder about the new meaning of robo-signings, the practice by many of the big banks during the housing melt down used to conduct illegal foreclosures. Meanwhile, as artificial intelligence becomes more of a thing, one wonders, will our new robotic banker overlords feel guilt?

Some Workers Can Get Away With Anything

Employees get fired for just about anything. Meanwhile, certain members of the political entertainment elite get away with just about everything. I’ve gotten fired for relatively trivial offenses. Maybe I should have tried to do the truly disgusting stuff that people like Harvey Weinstein stand accused of instead. They got away with it for years.

Better a Pedophile Than a Democrat

If you doubt that team politics are the order of the day, check out the Alabama Senate race where Roy Moore, who stands accused of child molestation and attempted rape, stans a better than even chance of winning a special election the simple fact that Alabama is a Republican state and that voters there simply won’t support a Democrat no matter what.

Brother, Can You Spare a Post Card?

Paul Ryan and the Republicans say the new Republican tax reform plan is great because it will be simpler. But another thing is simple too: many people will get no cut or even have to pay higher taxes.

We Hardly Knew Ye, Old Boys Club

The explosion of sexual assault and harassment allegations against politicians, entertainment figures and other authority figures signals a cultural shift that this behavior will no longer be tolerated. Which means it’s a new era for a certain kind of man.

As We All Know

Mainstream media outlets like NPR and The New York Times keep saying that Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election. Now we’re making policies and launching investigations based on those stories. Maybe it’s true. But there’s still no concrete evidence available to the public.

Our Two Parties, Explained

Given the failure of the Trump Administration to articulate a coherent policy message or to enact significant legislation, you would think the Democrats would be rising to the occasion, forming a loyal opposition party that explained their alternative vision. You would be wrong. Here’s why.

The Trouble with NDAs

People are wondering, why do the victims of Harvey Weinstein and other sexual predators agree to settlements that include a non-disclosure agreement? Because the pressure is too much to bear not to. Here’s my personal experience with an NDA and a suggestion of a solution.

Bush’s Exit Interview

George W. Bush left the presidency disgraced with rock-bottom approval ratings. Now he’s trying to rehabilitate his legacy by breaking presidential tradition and attacking Donald Trump. Can a speech erase a record of mass murder and illegal war?
