There’s a direct line between American regime change policy and the deaths by drowning of thousands of people in northern Libya.
Our Bad in Libya
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Qaddafi also intended to start a pan African currency that was backed by gold. Where did that gold end up Obama? I’m sure you know.
The unreconstructed, arrogant, sanctimonious, slimeball fraud, Obumma, recently tweeted to solicit $$$$$’s for “Libya” … through his own charity organization.
On a related note, that Kute Klinton Kouple has fired-up its magnificent grift machine to profit handsomely by skimming World Bank funds earmarked for Ukraine.
We can be sure that ole Joe Pantload’s scam is bigger by at least an order of magnitude!
There’s a concept in systems management that runs something like this: the more complicated a system becomes, the more prone it becomes to partial failures. More importantly, however, the more complex a system becomes, the more likely it becomes that there will be a failure due to an unforeseen complication of the various parts interacting in a new way.
A number of years back, the Navy was testing sonar off the California coast. They aimed the sonar at the land at one point (accidentally). This blew out some key parts of a major pumping station in California. Repair crews had to go out and manually fix the damage in remote, difficult-to-access locations to prevent not just a failure of water supply to a couple hundred thousand people but also to prevent the complete breakdown of the system.
That was just an oopsy-doodle mistake. Water infrastructure is tremendously delicate in a lot of the country. (As is the electric grid.) What happens when it isn’t some sailor whose concentration slipped, and it turns out to be a couple hundred dedicated Chinese hackers deliberately and intentionally tampering with things? Not all disasters are natural. And no one can state with any degree of certainty that there isn’t an exploitable defect that won’t lead to a cascade failure that will leave us all thirsty and sweaty in blacked-out cities.
Today, it’s a city in Libya being wiped out by what the U.S. did militarily. How much longer before it’s a city in the U.S. being wiped out by what the Chinese hackers did on some laptops? (Or due to our own failing systems we never got around to upgrading?)
Oddly, I don’t see or hear much on U.S. media about our vulnerability to exactly the same sorts of catastrophes. I guess there’s nothing to worry about. Oh … there’s Rachel Maddow smirking at the camera, and David Muir trying to exude gravitas.