After a self-radicalized American shooter massacred 49 patrons at an Orlando gay nightclub called Pulse and retroactively associated himself with ISIS, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for his actions. That’s how ISIS works: you do what you want in their name, then they claim you. Now Donald Trump is threatening sanctions against Muslim immigrants, and Hillary Clinton claims to have a plan to racially profile potentially self-radicalized lone wolves. Both favor bombing Muslim countries. Trump and Clinton are serving ISIS’ interests. Will they claim them?
ISIS Claims Responsibility for Trump and Clinton
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Pledging to Isis carries the same weight as Charlie yelling out “Heil Hitler” in Barton Fink. Dorme bene.
Naw, they couldn’t do that any more than the Ayatollah could have admitted he was in cahoots with Reagan.
Vote Republican! Vote Democratic!
Either vote supports ISIS and the Zionist wars against Islam.
Plus the inevitable blowback is good for stirring patriotic war sentiment.
Yep, 15 years of war and not once a peace candidate in the general election, despite public weariness with war.
Although I get really tired about people going on about Zionism, the influence of Israel isn’t why we’re in the ME, it’s always been the oil, the $$$, and Israel is more like our gang’s block enforcer there.
Bernie’s AIPAC speech:
I get tired of hearing about Zionism, too.
Too bad the Zionists wouldn’t let my man Bernie Sanders deliver his speech before AIPAC.
Those AIPAC bastards must be anti-Semitic.
One thing I’d like to I’d like to ask that segment of Florida’s homosexual crowd, how’s them :”gun-free” zones working out for ya’? You know, any place where the only people prepared and packing to use a firearm are the criminal perps hiding among you?
And also, yet ANOTHER lone gunman? Give me a break.
The only people getting their political-agenda rocks off here are the nut-house gun-grabbers who want to also disarm all law-abiding citizens of our nation who’s not LE employees.
Also, have you ever heard of a mass-shooting at a gun convention? Not really. TENS-OF-THOUSANDS of guns there … but no mass shootings. Additionally, it is a verified fact that law enforcement is predisposed to attract sociopaths as employees. Even so, how come we never hear of mass shootings at law-enforcement conventions? WTF? A law-enforcement convention is one big loaded cannon! But nobody wants to show up there and attempt mass murder.
Orlando is yet another “false-flag” with a poorly hidden agenda … that being the total disarming of the general American public.
You see, Florida is a Consealed/Carry state. But specific private establishments may designate themselves as “gun-free.” Then, all law-abiding CC owners must leave his/her gun out in the car in order to access that establishment’s services. Certainly a small load (at least) of the mostly gay crowd at that night-life venue were CC licensed, but did “the right thing” in leaving their firearms outside. I’ll bet you about right now that they’re feeling real stupid (that is, if they’re still alive).
Google is your friend…
Senator Sanders won the votes of almost all WASPs younger than 40. Secretary Clinton won just about everyone else (of course, Comrade Ted and I are both over 40, and both of us wish Senator Sanders had won, but we’re weird).
The New York Times keeps saying that Sanders and Trump are both anti-American: every decent American knows that there is only one person who is qualified to be the President of the US of A, and every patriotic American would never run against her and give the voters the opportunity to make a mistake: all her opponents, both Democratic and Republican, MUST step down so Billary will be acclaimed at the nomination.