Oprah Winfrey floats a possible presidential run and the media fawns despite her total lack of political history or experience. What a contrast with how they treated a candidate with qualifications and a true message of hope for ordinary Americans!
Oprah Teaches Us Everything You Never Wanted To Know About the System
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Nailed it again, Ted ! Land of the free, home of the brave….
A billionaire media darling with no political experience and a shaky grasp of reality … what could go wrong?
Okay, well, Oprah does care about the little people and she is a self-made billionaire. So those are in her favor – but can you imagine Dr. Oz as the surgeon general? Fun times!
If it didn’t happen on TV, it didn’t happen.
So the apolitical media—the media that has no political position of its own, but only reflects the politics of the two institutional parties—disappeared Sanders.
The media of each state wants its own state to be a swing state so it can reap campaign dollars.
Loss of campaign dollars is a big hit to media profits in a state that loses its swing state status.
Is it hard to imagine that media profits play a significant part in the near 50-50 divide between votes for each of the two institutional parties?
> Is it hard to imagine that media profits play a significant part in the near 50-50 divide between votes for each of the two institutional parties?
hmmm, now THAT’s an interesting take on it, I’ll imagine it for a while and see where it gets me.
I’ve commented before on how the duopoly has divided us so evenly. Back in my youth, my hometown had a soft-rock and a hard-rock station, and they’d managed to divide up the audience about 50/50. Every once in a while, the hard-rock station would start a ‘jazz hour’ and the soft-rock would have an ‘acid hour’ but the overall audience wouldn’t change much.
You don’t suppose our political system works the same way? Nahhh- that’s just crazy talk.
Sanders screwed his supporters, first by running as a Democrat and then by casting away his delegates to the Clinton camp. He has no one to blame but himself. Brilliant, he ain’t.
Sanders did exactly what he promised to do.
No one who was paying attention had any reason to be surprised.
I don’t recall his promise to fold and to throw his delegates to Clinton. Explain, please.
Sanders’ pledge to support the Democratic Party candidate was widely reported when he first announced his own candidacy.
That’s why I supported his message, but pledged to give him a F U at the time he kept his pledge to Hillary. Which he did.
“Although he’s officially an independent senator, Sanders decided to compete for the Democratic nomination. He’s said since he announced his candidacy that he would not run as an independent, and he said Monday that “of course” he still plans to hold to that pledge despite his recent success.”
If Sanders did run independent and split the vote with Hillary, Trump would still have won and the Democrats, as they are apt to do, would have been blaming Sanders instead of Putin.
Sanders did not want to suffer banishment, as did Nader.
Bernie did what he said he’d do. I have to admire him for that. Of course, he was assuming that The Party would play nice as well – had they done so, we wouldn’t be having this conversation today.
Whatever role the Dastardly Rooskies [TM] played, The Party did us far more harm. Will they learn? Will the sheeple learn? Will Trump learn to count to twenty-one with his pants on?
«Sanders’ pledge to support the Democratic Party candidate was widely reported when he first announced his own candidacy.» Indeed ; otherwise he could never have run as a candidate for that party’s nominee for the office of US president. He did, as noted above, «exactly what he promised to do»….
As to the conversations we’d be having had those elections resulted in anything other than a victory for Ms Clinton ; cf this Politico article….
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but it’s all Gospodin Putin’s fault…. 😉
Hillary wasn’t “the Democratic Party candidate [nominee]” until he threw his delegates away.