Obama spent six years golfing, never lifting a finger to help those devastated by the 2008-09 economic collapse. Now that he’s an ultra-lame duck and has absolutely no way to get legislation through the Republican Congress (something he didn’t have in 2009), he’s pretending to “fight” for a higher minimum wage and better wages for American workers.
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Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
11 Comments. Leave new
“Sorry … I already gave at the office, $trillions, …. to those who PUT you on the street.
I will, however, continue to deal cleverly and defiantly with hecklers. Now get off my fucking lawn!!!”
Ted, Ted, Ted- your ODS is showing. I’d list the many, many things that Obama tried to do that were blocked by the Republican party (Obama having only had the ability to get legislation through Congress for a little over a month before he lost it) and the few things he was able to do unilaterally (which he did) to help those devastated by the economic collapse, but sadly, I know from experience that facts and reality won’t penetrate your ODS bubble.
tl;dr- You’re wrong. As usual.
@Whimsical: No ODS here.
Obama NEVER tried to push through a WPA-style federal hiring program that would have employed 20 million Americans to rebuild infrastructure.
Obama NEVER tried to bail out distressed homeowners and renters (which would have saved the banks, by the way).
Interesting that you concede that Obama had a month to legislation through Congress. (Actually it was 1.5 years, but whatever.) Why didn’t he use that month, as you put it? FDR got a LOT done during his first month.
That dog wont hunt, Ted, and here’s why:
1) This is your caption: “Obama spent six years golfing, never lifting a finger to help those devastated by the 2008-09 economic collapse”
And yet, here is your argument: “Obama didn’t do a couple of things I thought he should do (but if Im honest no one would have been able to do)”
Only an ODS sufferer would think those two were equivalent.
Now, you can make the argument that Obama could’ve done a lot more to help people. (You’d be wrong, but its an argument which at least can be made). The idea that Obama “never lifted a finger” is so laughably untrue that ODS is the only logical explanation.
2) Not acknowledging that the 60 vote standard imposed from day one by the Republicans became defacto impossible to break the day Ted Kennedy became too sick to cast votes. Only an ODS sufferer would insist on ignoring the facts and sticking to the letter of the law rather than its spirit.
3) Making irrelevant comparisons: FDR faced a far more compliant Congress than Obma did as has been demonstrated repeatedly. I guarantee you that you but FDR in office with the Republicans Obama faced he would not get as much accomplished as Obama did. Yet the ODS sufferers continue to use this talking point as if it proves anything about anything.
Enjoy your bubble, Ted. I’m only sorry you prefer to be stuck in a bubble which damages the country so badly.
«Making irrelevant comparisons: FDR faced a far more compliant Congress than Obma [sic !] did as has been demonstrated repeatedly. I guarantee you that you but [sic !] FDR in office with the Republicans Obama faced he would not get as much accomplished as Obama did.» One can’t help wondering on what basis «Whimsical» feels that s/he can «guarantee» a counterfactual proposition like the above. I am not certain that «Obama Derangement Syndrome» is a valid clinical category – although I’m willing to entertain the notion – but I do know that anyone who believes that he or she can «guarantee», rather than hypothesise, how counterfactuals would play out is suffering from a distinct lack of self-insight….
On the other hand, judging from her/his posts to these threads, self-insight has never been «Whimsical»’s forte….
«FDR was so hated his name was not allowed said in Republican households.» RDS, Jack ?… 😉
Another member of the Lip Flapping Diversionary Corp emulating the Diversionary Commander Lip-Flapper-in-Chief, Obama.
FDR was so hated his name was not allowed said in Republican households. At least that’s what I read in high school history.
Obama’s current behavior is best described as a cover letter to potential future employers. What it says is that he knows how to make the gullible think he’s doing something to help them while ensuring that the result of his “actions” is a foregone conclusion before he’s even done announcing them.
I notice a similar pattern in Hilary Clinton’s legislative record. She’s like the Gabor sisters. Famous for being famous. Her legislative record is pretty thin. Especially when you remove the low-hanging fruit. Example: She voted for a bill to “lower” APR on credit cards to a maximum of 29.99% from the then-current maximum of 39.99%. What, EXACTLY, is the out-on-a-limb aspect of that? But watch her supporters shriek at the top of their lungs about it as soon as her campaign starts: “Hill CARES. She took on the credit card companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Right on the mark, Ted! No ODS in your neck of the woods. I bought into what Whimsical was saying for a while – for a while. Then I saw that Obama was just not going to push any harder back and that he was not going to do anything really needed – like a WPA-style program or anything targeted right at people hit hard the most – the middle and lower classes. Instead, if he put any real effort into targeting anything, it was targeting people with drones…He’s just continued to hide behind the “they won’t let me do it” excuse and obviously just wants to get by until his term ends, leaving behind a legacy of a calm, measured demeanor that got a few things done, but never really stuck his neck out for those who got trampled in the mess that Bush left behind. In fact, his inaction actually guaranteed what we have now – a fake “recovery” that’s only really benefited the 1%, and is leaving behind a nation that will have to get used to low-paying employment, further erosion of our rights and freedoms, and a government ridiculously dependent on and controlled by big money and special interests.
Now, now, Ted, surely our «Whimsical» is right and Mr Obama is a latter-day version of Paulus :
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.