The managing director of the International Monetary Fund has been charged with rape. What’s new? The IMF has been raping Third Worlders for years.
Nothing New Here

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
9 Comments. Leave new
Indeed, nothing new: A rich white guy abusing a poor black woman…
He could have afforded the most expensive call-girls, but, being a socialist, he went for a poor black maid.
Hi Ted, I’m hoping that you will add “Treasure Islands” by Nicolas Shaxson to the stack of books by your bedside. I just finished it and I felt that it brought a great deal of clarity to matters financial. Yeah, unsolicited plug.
Thanks for the rec. That pile is already dangerously high, so why not?
We’re wired to think individually….the attempted rape of one person is an offense, the systemic rape of thousands, the rape of the world in general….that stuff is “too big” to think about for the solipsistic mind, let alone a media filled with half educated, context devoid, journalists….1 is a story, 1,000 is just a statistic.
The charge sounds plausible. However, I wonder is there something else to this story. Interesting how this arrest was handled. He’s sent to Rykers. Then he must post a one million dollar bond, hook up to GPS monitoring, and be under house arrest. I heard on TV that he is being guarded at his apartment but don’t know if this is true. I’m not making light of the charge, but police arrest people on similar charges regularly and those arrested don’t face such stiff release conditions, especially if they are prominent figures in the community. It will be interesting if in the coming weeks we learn there’s more to this story.
Only guessing here, but I bet the cops have a solid case against him. Also, it doesn’t help to get arrested on a plane that’s about to leave the country.
So… he didn’t have enough money on him to pay her off? The fact that he would be flying out of the country makes him more suspicious doesn’t mean a thing. He could have been arrested on his arrival in Europe.
It’s clear though he doesn’t have any friends left with the elite or else we would never have heard of this case. It’s too bad he didn’t have any money to pay for professional sex as was his habit. So now he had to resort to assaulting black chambermaids?
Although I know you’re no fan of Jon Stewart, Ted, I laughed out loud when he said, “It’s as if [Strauss-Kahn] is posing for his own editorial cartoon.”
Which makes me ask: how come no editorial cartoon or editorial cartoonist has ever appeared on The Daily Show. After all, it is a political comedy show.