Let’s not RESIGN

Finally, President Joe Biden has agreed to drop out of the presidential campaign following his poor performance in the debate against Trump. As Kamala Harris gears up to run as his anointed successor, Republicans are calling for Biden to resign—a valid request considering that he is clearly unfit to govern—which would also strengthen Harris’ campaign.

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  • Well, the deed is done, Biden has removed himself from the presidential campaign.
    It is reported that VP Kamala “kindergarten teacher … OR student?” Harris is his replacement.
    She seems to have the support of the Obumma oligarchs but there are grumblings that the
    Clintons are not pleased.

    The Democratic nominating convention has been scheduled for 19-22 August in Chicago.
    However, the wiki article ” 2024 Democratic National Convention” warns that “things may change”
    due to Biden’s decision.

    Indeed, let’s keep the drama percolating … for maximum distraction from the fact that “the race”
    will be between candidates whose only significant political difference is whether “the quiet part”
    remains quiet or is unabashedly violated revealing the true horror and depravity of the empire.

  • alex_the_tired
    July 22, 2024 7:00 AM

    Biden’s owner/operators (i.e., his family and “friends”) pulled the pin. Now they’re holding a ticking bomb and — Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch — there’s nowhere to throw it.

    Right now, the dems are boiling coffee and hunching over polls in a backroom. The big question? Will Biden’s stepping aside give Kamala Harris enough oomph to win? I doubt it. And if it doesn’t? It’s like a meningitis case: take a toe (have Biden suspend his campaign), then go back, take half the foot (have Biden resign), then go back, take the whole foot (have Harris get the nomination without a convention crisis like back in 1968), then go back, take below the knee (Harris gets 100 days to run a campaign to beat Trump), then the patient dies on the table (Election Night).

    And let’s not forget the real dead dog in the room. Harris, as veep, has two jobs — cast votes to break ties in the Senate and be ready to take over for the president. If she DIDN’T know he was losing his mind, she’s incompetent. If she DID know, she’s complicit. And Biden’s stepping aside? That’s the smoking gun. He’s repeatedly claimed that he’s the only one who can stop Trump. He isn’t stepping aside because of a weak case of “Covid.” There’s something significantly wrong with him.

  • Conspiracy theories notwithstanding, Joe Biden is not under the control of Obama, Clintons, Harris, Pelosi, other Bidens, Soros, and/or the Trilateral Commission, etc. He made his own decision with the advice of trusted others. Deciding to leave the race was a good decision because he likely would have lost soundly.

    Deciding to resign would also be a good decision by Biden because it will give Harris a stronger chance to demonstrate that she has what it takes to earn our vote.

    Yes, both Trump and Harris (and Biden) are too military and too corporate, but on other issues there are significant differences. Climate change, immigration, abortion, financial safety net, criminal justice, education, guns, and health care are some of the huge ones.

    • alex_the_tired
      July 23, 2024 7:44 AM

      I don’t think Biden pere had as much say as we’re led to believe. I suspect that he was told, right after the donors finished giving their demands after closing their checkbooks, that he could either suspend his campaign and go out with a lot of meaningless praise and a gold watch or he could be declared unfit and removed via the 25th and exit with a banker box full of Lucite awards. Biden chose the figleaf. The big joke, of course, will be that if Harris remains meh in the polls, the dnc will force Biden out anyway so that Harris can ride without the training wheels. She will be elevated to “first woman president” and that will turn a lot of woman toward her because they don’t want her to be a five-month footnote in women’s history.

      Let’s remember. This is the democratic party. And, just like the Republicans, they talk about their ideals, but when it comes right down to it, they always shaft the people who aren’t in control. You only need to look at the borders, the prisons, the workplaces filled with “at will” employees not making enough to meet expenses, etc., to see it.

      • > they always shaft the people who aren’t in control

        Yes, progress is way too slow and sometimes backwards (abortion) on many very important issues. But I don’t see this as Democrats choosing to shaft us. I see it as they are failing us. In part they are failing because they aren’t dictators and need non-cooperative Republicans at some junctures. Also, especially in hindsight, it is easy to pick out decisions that Democrats have made that could have been better at achieving the good causes; but for the most part I don’t find them incompetent either. Yes, we need much more progress, but casting the failure as a willful shafting or incompetence by Democrats is only a smallish part of the complicated story.

        The bigger effect is the voting population. It is up to us to get enough voters to agree with us on the important issues. Then there won’t be politicians who keep nixing the good solutions.

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