Abortion is currently the top issue for voters in the election. Maybe Kamala Harris can spin her support for Israel into a way to reinforce her pro-choice bona fides.
Kamala Is Even Pro-Abortion Overseas

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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“Late term? NO Problem!”
NOW! New POST-term technology, too!!! … Gigglingly, joyously lethal.
Rhetorical question about the 81+ million rank-and-file Dem voters for Biden/Harris 2020 and more possible in two months: haven’t they realized yet that the Dem establishment, which has done NOTHING about legalizing abortion for fifty years (all the while cynically exploiting this undisputed, perennial “top issue” among voters as donation bait), is highly unlikely to do anything about it in the next four years … except continue to use it use it as “donation bait,” as above?
Are they really a) stupid, b) demented, c) without self-respect, d) masochists, e) cult zombies, f) some combination/permutation of above, including “all”?
Yes, little to nothing accomplished at the federal level. Though to be fair, it’s pretty rare that Democrats have filibuster-proof control of the Senate at the same time as control of the House and the presidency. Still, you are right that there’s been painfully little progress there.
However, in many states Democrats have been making steady progress, both before and after Dobbs. Voters may be hoping that Democrats will eventually get it in gear at the federal level too. Like too many important issues (wealth imbalance, racism, climate change …), I find progress on abortion to be agonizingly slow. Keep up the good work at speeding this up!
At the end of the day, poor women seek more abortions than women of other economic statuses do. The issue isn’t “abortion,” at least not all by itself. The issue is economics and the situations end-stage capitalism force people into. I’ve listened to Harris’ blah blah blah about the economy. The Kamalielese reminds me of Sarah Palin’s word salad. Trump’s just as bad; his utterances make Reagan’s voodoo economics sound rational.
ABC has been pushing the debate to the point where I think David Muir’s going to burst a blood vessel. Trump imploding on stage? Somehow, I just don’t think that’s going to happen. So it’s probably going to be a push. The media will clap until their hands shatter over how Harris recited memorized talking points that said nothing, and neither candidate will see a poll change from it. Harris will continue to fade, I suspect. If I were in DC, I’d be checking the liquor stores to see if Joe Biden had been by, looking for cardboard boxes. The only thing the dems have left to try is to simply put Harris in the White House by kicking Biden out (possibly in exchange for a pardon of Hunter).
Yep, Kamala is so in favor of abortion that she’s forcing it on women who didn’t want one…in Gaza, anyway. It’s funny how everybody’s against child abuse in the USA, but both parties are running on the promise that they will abuse the children of Palestine–not to mention the children of Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan……