The Gaza War Is a Pass-Fail Course

As much as politicians like Kamala Harris would like it, it’s not possible to compromise on an issue as dramatic as Israel’s war against Gaza. Either you’re in favor of aiding and abetting Israel, or you are not.

6 Comments. Leave new

  • So the “compromise” is sending $20 billion for genocide instead of $50 billion?
    And next week its $50 billion v. $75 billion?

  • I had the same argument with my friends. They are worried about the Undecideds and Kamala and assert that trumpster fire would be worse.

  • alex_the_tired
    September 6, 2024 7:37 AM

    Correction: The Gaza War WAS a Pass-Fail Course.

    There are more than just a few similarities to the conquest of the American West. I suspect a similar outcome. The remaining Gazans will be “concentrated” in some small sector of Gaza while international investors rebuild all the devastation. Just like with the American West, a lot of people will get very rich off this.

  • “Settle for good enough” could be Kamala’s next inspiring campaign slogan.

  • Trump has promised that he will miraculously and mysteriously solve the conflict in Ukraine. Harris could promise that she will miraculously and mysteriously solve the conflict in Gaza. Or is that something that only Trump can pull off?

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