Another black man has been killed by police and the media is celebrating the fact that there wasn’t any violence on the part of protesters.
It Isn’t Violence If The State Does It
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
8 Comments. Leave new
You know, without all the 24/7 surveillance almost everywhere now, and the Internet with all the so-shill media, we might never know of any of these things. In fact, I think more of this crap was probably happening before we had all of this, except it was never so easily revealed and disseminated. Now that it is and has been for years, we find out that many people simply don’t care, or perhaps choose not too, like the guy sitting in the chair in the cartoon. Some of us do care, and some of us type about this, but a lot of people who are “getting by”, don’t even want to acknowledge it. Instead, the people who do bother to acknowledge it have become a mass of confused, angry, ignorant people who want to do “something”, but don’t have clue as to why, what or who should do it, and it’s all slowly coming to a boil. It’s hard to find a voice of reason in all the barking and screaming. Journalists? Leaders? Everyone’s a journalist, pundit or leader nowadays with keyboards’o’plenty. Sheeple: Can’t live with them, can live without them, eh?
> more of this crap was probably happening before we had all of this, except it was never so easily revealed
I suggest, rikster, that the last frame of the cartoon shows that the man sitting in the chair does indeed care about (certain types of) «non-violent» violence….
Whether he’s exercised about the types perpetrated by, e g, drone operators and those who give them their orders is another matter, about which the cartoon has nothing to say….
Without violence and the threat of violence the state would cease to exist.
Most escape this nightmare by dreaming American Dreams.
Yes, there had not been *any* violence. That is, until this cartoon. Possible use of satire, and we all know that there is only a fine line separating satire from violence: people may take offense, especially a certain (ahem) police union.
Our side had been so well behaved and now Ted had to go and ruin everything.
As they say on the intertubes, LOL.
I love the LAPPL. I have always loved the LAPPL.
Ah, the pangs of despised love….