Blumenthal lied, claiming that he’d served in Vietnam. In a saner America, veterans would try to cover up their service.
In a Saner Nation

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Right! Mother-in-law asked me about Vietnam. When I began to answer her question, she slowly backed up, moved through a doorway and quietly closed the door in my face. “I don’t know about these things” she said. Plenty of Veterans had similar experiences. No one had to TRY to evade the reality. Decades later, we get COCK-suckers like Blumenthal and traitorous question marks like the Swift Boat Veterans supporting the worst excuse for a human being, George W. Fuckface Lying Son-of-a-Bitch Bush while slandering actual Veterans, decorated Veterans, like John Kerry, John McCain and Max Cleland. You don’t get decorated for just showing up, either. Granted there’s a few leeches in every organization, the poster boy for that group of weasels, once again, George W. (expletives deleted) Bush. Bush, by the way, is joined by fellow liars, Pat Robertson, Joseph ‘Tail-gunner Joe’ McCarthy and Richard Blumenthal. Ronald Reagan gets an honorary mention from partial hearing loss while making a movie, but in his Nancy-brainwashed head, thought he was injured in combat during World War II (ha ha HA!) Tough to get combat-related injuries making training films in California.
Why would a Veteran want to fall for a setup like “What did you do in the war?” Veteran answers. Questioner shoots back, “You guys were really Suckers.”
Go ahead tissue paper warriors. Take you best shots. But you weren’t there. Got it? YOU…WERE…NOT…THERE! But we have two wars, no waiting. Any day, you can boogie down to the recruiter’s office, join up, train up and ship out. Three tours? Four tours? NOOOOOO problem! Physical and emotional problems now? NOOOO problem. Join the waiting line at your favorite VA Medical Center. Clinic cancels your appointment because the doctor is off. NOOO problem. You can be rescheduled three or four months down the road. NOOOO problem! Belated Memorial Day Mattress Sale!
you forgot about “I loath the military” accused rapist BJ Bill.
U would know a lot about rape and blowjobs.