The authorities keep telling us that we shouldn’t travel, whether it was for Thanksgiving or now for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. If they’re so worried about the spread of COVID-19, why don’t they simply ban air travel? Because that wouldn’t be nearly as much fun as shaming us.
Home for the Holidays
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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This will go to moderation anyway, so it’s a little long.
First, this morning, the, um, Biden coverage in the New York Times has that his goal is zero emissions by 2050 and that his climate team is beginning to take shape. Unless the first words out of the team’s collective mouth are “2050 is too late. Biden might as well murder his grandchildren right now and be done with it …” they won’t get anything done. I haven’t even checked the composition of this panel of solons yet. That’s how confident I am. But I bet that when I do check their backgrounds–career, business connections, the number of hedge funds their families control, all the conflicts of interest–I will turn out to have been right. It’s the coal-burning foxes driving out to the henhouse in an electric car to listen to one of Hillary’s speeches to Goldman Sachs about how she rigged the 2016 democratic primary.
Second, COVID. No one’s touched this that I can find. When you equalize for secondary factors (such as: the giant prison population, the lack of healthcare in the U.S. to the poor and middle class, the distrust of the medical community by many in the minority communities, and the general poor health of the general population), did Trump’s imbecility actually make much of a difference? All through the epidemic, I saw people wearing masks incorrectly, not wearing masks at all, wearing one mask for three weeks, etc. I think Big Pharma and Big Medicine don’t want to admit that the lack of universal healthcare is why so many people died. That, literally, corporate greed, yet again, led to death.
Third, the reason we get to still travel? Because we’re now in the Biden presidency. Trump’s still in office (and I’m still not confident he’s leaving on the 20th of January) but emotionally, it’s Biden now. So we HAVE to be able to travel. I’d recommend it because 2021 is not going to be better. Biden’s third-way senility won’t get anything done. The Republicans have already lame ducked him. Start stockpiling because we’ll be COVID-free, but also money-free, house-free, job-free …
Why don’t they simply ban air travel?
Because MIC.
Go see the world.
Meet new people.
Kill them.