This year, Americans have another chance to make presidential history. We can elect someone who represents a group of Americans who have been consistently marginalized!
Making Presidential History
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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«Who know how long we’ll wait for another chance like this ?»
2020 (if we live so long) ?…
ay-yup, you beat me to it.
Although I disagree with Ted’s original assertion. Bush was most assuredly a sphincter, as were Nixon and Reagan.
One upside of Hillary taking it would be that some would start using a different orifice as a sobriquet. Other traditional presidential titles such as “bastard,” “son of a bitch”, and “mamma kisser” would likewise be retired for the duration.
Mr Rall is saying that, while Bush, jr was an A**hole, he wasn’t quite as big an A**hole as Secretary Clinton or Trump. Bush, jr didn’t target American citizens and kill them without a trial.
And if you look up Camp Bucca and ISIS in the Washington Post, it looks like Trump was about right that Obama and Secretary Clinton created the Daesh (but just to overthrow the evil regime in Syria, so when they took Mosel, they had to be stopped)..
Or watch Snowden (a film the New York Times strongly advises against), and see his disillusionment with Obama and Secretary Clinton.
Domestically, Secretary Clinton will be a continuation of Obama, but she’s promised, her first day in office, to authorise the US military to enact regime change in Syria and Russia, which will be a total disaster.
It’s not at all clear what Trump will do about foreign affairs, he’s contradicted himself so many times, but we know he’s consistent about being rabidly against green energy and for subsidising coal enough the mines will re-open. So also a total disaster.
Sexual equality is nearing when the genitals are no longer decisive in politics and the workplace.
Asshole is a gender neutral term and should be welcomed because it is a nonexclusionary term that represents the vast majority, leaving out some left with only colostomy bags, who could pass if they chose to.
My friend said his dog lost his ass when it was hit by a car. “Not his ass, “he was corrected,” his rectum.”
Wrecked him, my ass; it killed him!
The higher a monkey climbs a tree, the easier it is to see his asshole.
The thing we need to face? I’ll call it the Goofus-Gallant problem. Someone like Trump can handle someone like Putin because they both, deep down, know exactly what they are: classless Goofuses, bullies who got lucky. And you know the thing bullies do? They never go after each other. They’re always willing to share the victims out. They both understand that, as long as neither gets too cocky, they can both have a lot more fun picking on the weak in a coordinated fashion.
But someone like HRC (the Gallant part of the equation)? The idea that someone like Putin will take her seriously is ridiculous. He cannot. Why? Because the people around him will not respect/fear him if he does. And if he were to take HRC seriously, that would be a sign of weakness. In the Bully World, it’s announcing that you want someone to take your territory from you. No, what Putin will do is make a lot of talk-talk about how he will work with HRC. Then, behind closed doors, he will go right on doing what he wants, and laughing at the stupid woman from America whom he just took advantage of.
This is the biggest problem HRC will face in international issues (if she wins). She simply cannot face down the bullies because none of the bullies take her seriously. Why won’t they take her seriously? Look at how wooden she is. Say what you want about bullies, but they almost always have a relaxed attitude about themselves. They are comfortable in their own skins. Clinton NEVER looks comfortable. The closest she ever gets is presenting a pretty credible fake-up of comfortable.
So HRC’s only hope for a win in her presidency is international — the only part that is only the president’s job, it will be her legacy. Domestically, she’s already dead in the water. The House and Senate won’t let a mouse’s fart through. She won’t get a Supreme Court justice in unless it’s one the Republicans pre-approve.
And you know what? Only a true assh*le would run at all in such conditions. It’s as though she simply can’t accept that she, literally, has no path to victory, even if she wins the election.
As a political cartoon this is great. But after a moment or two of thought, as sometimes is the case with such cartoons, it breaks down. Hillary is not an asshole. She’s a bore, she has no soul, but she’s not an asshole. Trump is an asshole, a classic New York City asshole, and he’s open about it and the audience loves it.
As said above, Nixon also was an asshole. On the other hand, we the people didn’t KNOW that until we listened to the Watergate tapes. So, Ted has a great incisive point, this is the first time Americans will maybe elect someone who is openly, proudly asshole.