Gas Policy à la Carte

President Joe Biden and his advisors tell American motorists that they must pay higher gas prices “as long as it takes” to fight in Ukraine and promote the “liberal world order.” Perhaps gas should be sold by which policies its prices are based upon.

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  • alex_the_tired
    July 11, 2022 5:22 AM

    Christ, Ted, am I having flashbacks? During the 1970s, there was a gas crisis in the U.S., even though most of our oil/gas was coming from Mexico. Prices went through the roof and there was rationing. Later, it was determined that the oil companies staged a significant part of the “crisis” to make lots of profits and to hurt Carter (who had committed the heresy of suggesting people put on sweaters if they were cold rather than turn the thermostat up to the pottery kiln setting).
    I mean, does Biden have a peanut farm tucked away somewhere? Seems like the Beltway types aren’t even trying to be original anymore.

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