Writing in the Washington Post, a veteran who served in the occupation of Afghanistan reminisced about killing innocent civilians, including children, and wondered aloud whether such killing was wrong. He justified his actions based on the military’s escalation of force guidelines. Of course, every military has had such guidelines in order to justify doing whatever it is that they felt like.
Escalation of Force

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
7 Comments. Leave new
Absolutely true without exception.
“Writing in the Washington Post, a veteran who served in the occupation of Afghanistan reminisced about killing innocent civilians, including children, and wondered aloud whether such killing was wrong.”
Link, please?
Hey Russell,
Assuming you doubt the validity of the quote: next time Google it yourself.
I wish someone with the resources of Michael Bloomberg would have that Washington Post article printed and reprinted all over the US in major newspapers. The US populace has become so numb to what their “leaders” are doing and the real cost of it. Issues like this need to go viral instead of whether Obama’s birth certificate is valid or if Beyonce lip-synced or not.
Thanks, Glenn. I wasn’t doubting it, but I tried a couple of different search phrases without finding it.
Escalation of empire: “Chilling legal memo from Obama DOJ justifies assassination of US citizens”
Apparently the vast American left demanded to be collectively burped and our otherwise progressive president took it the wrong way?
Guidelines are guidlines and are there to be followed, but those galactic raiders from Alpha Centauri are going to have one hell of a time drinking the blood of their victims after vapourising them. I’d stick with the Mongolian military’s guidlines myself, which seem more flexible in this regard….