The Colorado Supreme Court ordered Donald Trump’s name removed from the ballot in that state on the ground that he is an insurrectionist, who tried to subvert electoral democracy, under the meaning of the 14th Amendment. 13 other states may follow suit.
Destroying Democracy to Save It

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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This is how it starts. All that’s missing is an archduke driving in a convertible through Sarajevo.
Put aside all the technical legal aspects (e.g., Can Trump win as a write-in?) Here’s the big problem: All this isn’t being done to stop some fringe candidate who’ll get 12 votes. I think many of us have forgotten how incredible Trump’s win in 2016 was.
Donald Trump didn’t get there all by his lonesome. He has millions and millions of supporters. How? The economy’s so strong Obamacare had a record number of sign-ups, food pantries are doing a booming trade. The Dow? Soaring like a bald eagle with a surface-to-air missile rammed up its ass. As the Dow is an artificially generated number designed to increase over time regardless of the economy’s health, of course it’s doing fine. Unemployment is so low that only a mere 50% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. What’s that? You didn’t invest because you never made enough to get a 401(k) off the ground? You should have gone back to school. You can take loans. … The situation’s been going downhill for 40-odd years.
A hundred years ago, Hitler (and fooom … right into moderation limbo) walked out of prison, and in a decade, he was chancellor. Who got him there? The industrialists. And his supporters, all the castoffs of Berlin and Munich who had no future. The MSM frequently mocks Trump’s supporters as being low information. When the entire system has been rigged to make you becoming a low-information voter, it’s not a big surprise.
We are in very serious trouble.
Rall, the Idiot Elephant party can get another candidate if Trump is blacklisted.
It’s like you want Trump back so you can write a metric ton of cartoons when he runs the country into the ground again. He broke the law, he’s being punished for breaking the law, if his crap supporters want him back in, we can fight another civil war and liquidate them utterly.
I am no Trump fan, but, it’s as if Donald Trump, and not the system that produced him, is the problem. As if galvanizing his supporters by taking him out on these, um, trumped-up charges will not cause more people to vote against Biden.
Meanwhile, the Democrats are also doing all they can to keep The Green Party and other alternatives off the ballot, while corporate media does its best to keep the public from finding out about them.
What could possibly go wrong for the Biden re-election campaign?
I begin to think that Biden’s re-election campaign is going to be handed about a 50-point loss in the Electoral College. It’ll be something like seven squeakers, and Biden will manage to lose every one of them. Sure, plenty of people have lost by more in the EC, but considering it’s Trump? The blow will be terminal for the democratic party. They have no “new” blood. They’re so “diverse” (as long as you’re rich) that they can’t ignite a critical mass around any meaningful issue because the left-handed Brobdingnagians who demand a vegan option on airplane flights and the interpretive jazz tap artists who think Oswald was a CIA plant can’t find any meaningful commonalities with nuns who secretly smoke unfiltered Luckies.
After Trump? It’s eight more years of Republicans. And let’s put the blame where it belongs: the dnc and the Clintons who bought control of it.