In negotiations, Republicans hardly have to lift a finger because Democrats negotiate against themselves.
Democrats Versus Republicans

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
4 Comments. Leave new
The four stages of bullying. 1. Someone gets picked on. 2. You feel bad for him. 3. You wonder why he lets it happen. Why doesn’t he do something? 4. You begin to become disgusted by his non-action. 5. You start bullying him yourself. Why not? He must like it. Maybe it’s his kink.
I’m somewhere between 4 and 5 with the voters who picked, um, Biden. He isn’t even sworn in yet (assuming that actually does come to pass) and the problems are huge already. He’s going to screw everyone on the student loans. (Ask someone with $60K in loans and no job why a $10K “forgiveness” won’t do a thing. LISTEN as they explain the grade-school level math.) He’s going to veto single-payer healthcare. His son’s taxes are being audited, which means that unless Hunter is taken off to prison, the Republicans are going to scream coverup. Expect them to impeach Biden sometime around Jan. 21, 2021. All signs point to the necessary economic stimulus packages for getting the economy back to life being blocked by the Republicans (and the democrats accepting that). Feinstein’s imbecility has become so rampant no one bothers even trying to cover for her anymore. Nancy “Fumbles” Pelosi isn’t far behind. And these are the leaders of the party.
I hope the Republicans arrest them all and have a show trial for them. I will WALK to D.C. if I have to for a front-row seat at that action.
I was living in the DC area when Clinton was first elected. I think it was 3 weeks after the inauguration when I saw the first Impeach Clinton bumper sticker.
I would only argue that the Democratic leadership aren’t negotiating against themselves, they are negotiating against the majority of Democrats, a very different thing. The rich look out for themselves and only pretend that they were thwarted in their efforts for the peasants. This is true of both parties and I’m pretty sure that mega-church leaders would preach against God if somehow she started answering the prayers of the parishioners and this cut into their take.
These jokers care for nothing, except looking out for #1, getting reelected, and of course, keeping their snouts in the trough.
Members of Congress should be limited to two terms, one in office, followed by one in prison.