National Democrats have decided not to follow the successful strategies that Republicans followed to victory in 1994 and Democrats used to win in 2006. Rather than nationalize the election, they’re letting local candidates for Congress determine their own promises and platforms.
Democrats to USA: We’re Not Saying Much
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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Now, now, Ted – what do you have against the great Party that is the saviour of the working class in the US ?…
They’re not as ruthless as his man-crush Putin is, of course.
Indeed: The Dems will “say very little, offend very few” … and, thus, accelerate their voyage into political oblivion as they “inspire no one and drive away more and more.”
Indeed, falco is right. The Democrats have driven away former supporters.
The “progressive” does not play in all parts of the cojntry.
You’d be correct to say “the HRC Democrat” does not play in all parts the country.
But, of course, an HRC Dem, not wanting to say anything nor offend anyone, is NOT a progressive.
I doubt this will make any sense to you as long as you have an opportunity to spout the current, preferred/approved political curse word.
Which is?
“As long as we continue to do nothing we can call that consensus.’
The only problem with this approach is that most of the local Democrats don’t know what to say. After decades of being told what to say by the DNC/HRC, the capacity to tell it like it is in an honest and relatable fashion is all but gone. Those that do so are marginalized whenever possible and told that they’re doing more harm than good with their crazy socialist ideas, like universal healthcare and a minimum wage that allows you to live like a human being. Remember Bernie Sanders? His ideas were so unpopular, the DNC had to rig the contest to give the animated cadaver called Hillary Clinton her fair chance at self-anointment as Queen of America.
My hope is that the “blue” wave will actually be more of an off-blue wave comprising genuinely progressive candidates from the Democratic Party. Then Sanders can announce his candidacy for 2018 the day after the primaries.
The Times is already salivating over how a Trump impeachment can’t be far away. Pure horseshit of course. Unless the economy collapses. Then, absolutely, Trump will be impeached. But with the Dow at 25,000? Even though most of the people being fucked are being fucked by the people who profit on a high Dow (surprise: your 401k with all of $30,000 in it? That wasn’t going to keep you alive once you retired anyway. If it’s “value” plummets to $10,000, either way, you’ll only be using it in a lump sum to pay off the credit cards you survive on from month to month.)
The elections are soon. Let’s all try to hang on. And hope to God that Hillary Clinton doesn’t announce her “bold” and “new” plan to run for office again. (But you know she wakes up every morning, looks and the mirror, and tells herself, “You deserve this. You’ve always known you were royalty!”)
> My hope is that the “blue” wave will actually be more of an off-blue wave comprising genuinely progressive candidates from the Democratic Party.
I’d say “Me too” – but it seems that phrase has been reserved for use elsewhere. 😉
I share your hope, and it does look like there is some movement from the true & for real left. Progressive-leaning candidates are throwing their hats into the ring. Trump is helping that movement far more than the Hillbots, but at this point, I’ll accept whatever help I can get.
It may not be enough to turn the US into a Socialist Workers’ Paradise, but perhaps enough that we can slow the slide into fascism.
The biggest concern I have is how easily everyone is being distracted and jumping onto the Kool-Aid bandwagon. If Trump had murdered a kid, okay, we’d have something to go with. But all of this sideshow stuff isn’t going to do it. Paying hush money through an intermediary? Having an associate who did something dicey with his taxes? This isn’t going to get people outraged. It has to be linked much more directly to Trump, and it has to wait until the economy is in freefall because no one’s going to cross Trump while the Dow’s over 25,000.