Hey, a citizen can dream.
Corporate Assassins

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
11 Comments. Leave new
That’s really funny Ted….classic connect the dots….of course, this isn’t anything new, Corporations have been doing this to “other” people for a long time. I know, I know, they aren’t “American citizens” . . .I suppose that means they don’t have those rights that Americans believe come from God, right?
The bombing seems a bit harsh, why not just detain the corps, indefinitely.
Not sure what bombing corporations would get me. Corporations produce products I like to use, products I could not produce myself. On the other hand, 60% of my income goes to fund local state and federal governments that have a voracious appetite and produce absolutely nothing.
Why in the heavens would you bomb Oracle or Ikea for? Where would the people who produce the loot that feeds federal parasites work at, then?
President Dale would say, “I want the readers to know that they still have one out of four panels without a bomb or missile, and that ain’t bad!” I suspect that all cartoonists, at one time or another, experience writer’s block and have to reach into the damage control drawer for something, anything, to publish. This appears to be one of those days, somewhat like with the Chinese men who recently had personal problems, so their first impulse was to get weapons, knives, machetes or guns, and go directly to a KINDERGARTEN class and mutilate a few dozen innocent children. What in the WORLD is wrong with some people??!! Why don’t they just kill THEMSELVES? As rant productive as I am, as pissed off at my country, my government, my military, there’s NO WAY I would think, “Gee. I’m having a real bad day. I think I’ll go find some weapons and kill and mutilate kindergarteners.” Nor would I consider lauching a bomb at a corporate headquarters. Most of the world is like this. We live with punishment for doing good deeds, for following our laws, for paying our bills, for trying to be employed. When we still have energy and hope to make life better, we don’t go looking for kindergarteners to murder.
But this kind of violence is nothing new. Remember the Wisconsin farmer who, eighty years ago, blew up a local elementary school because he had a problem with his taxes? And to think, GUNPOWDER wasn’t enough for humans. We had to fuck with the atom!
Corporations don’t force us to buy their products and services. We still have choices. Let’s start with the lesser evils. Don’t do business wtih Blockbuster, Netflix, McDonald’s, Burgerking, Starbuck’s. Watch them go down in flames without a speck of violence. Do not re-elect a single incumbent. Not a one. Not even one with a good record. Fuck ’em all! Take a few seconds or minutes each day to do things you say you don’t have time for. Get ready for the next Great Depression, because it’s coming. Get used to scouring the alleys and dumpsters for ‘good stuff.’ Moo hoo hoo ha ha ha ha HA HA HA!
I forgot to wish you all a happy International Workers Day. Did you progressives get a chance to take a bus or car pool to a good America hating protest yesterday?
I second US395’s comment: Happy belated International Commie Day to all you dittoheads. Hope you lighted a candle in memory of the millions of victims, past and present, of your anti-human utopia, before going out to protest “capitalism.”
“I second US395’s comment… all you dittoheads.”
I’d like to take this time to ditto bucephalus’ ditto of the dittoing dittoers that did the dittoing 🙂
Bucephalus, regarding your Washington Examiner link…
1. So the problem is that there is a gap between pay in the public and private sector? Sounds to me like private sector jobs should pay more.
2. “…taxpayers can no longer afford to support such lucrative government compensation.” Agreed, let’s bring tax-dodging businesses into the fold with the rest of us taxpayers to solve this national crisis. No free rides, am I right? Cheers…
1. So the problem is that there is a gap between pay in the public and private sector? Sounds to me like private sector jobs should pay more.
The private sector pay a person their work’s value. Not so in the public sector.
2. “…taxpayers can no longer afford to support such lucrative government compensation.” Agreed, let’s bring tax-dodging businesses into the fold with the rest of us taxpayers to solve this national crisis. No free rides, am I right?
By tax dodging, do you mean tax evasion? If you know anyone or anything evading paying their taxes, you should report them to the IRS. You might start with Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschel, Tim Geithner, Nancy Killefer, Pete Stark, and Robert Wexler.
1. So the problem is that there is a gap between pay in the public and private sector? Sounds to me like private sector jobs should pay more.
They might if they weren’t being bled dry to nourish the tax-feeders.