Climate Change Believes in You

Many of the conservative voters who deny the existence of human-caused climate change are the most likely to fall victim to its effects.

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  • This is truly one of a dumbest statement I ever saw on this blog.

    For one, ‘climate change’ is a misnomer. It comforts illiterates and idiots in believing the old climate will soon come back, when that will NEVER happen in human terms. That is of paramount importance when you understand that human societies could develop thanks to the apparition of a stable Earth climate.

    Secondly, the ‘climate continuous drift’ will affect EVERYONE EVERYWHERE. As usual, the poor will be hit the hardest, and the sickeningly rich will be partly spared (but might have trouble in securing caviar, champagne and even a few other commodities). The ‘good news’ is they’ll probably need many more human slaves to compensate for the loss of machines.

    Now, Mr Rall, please justify your statement or recant. And try learning about the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced before hitting the keyboard. Thank you.

    It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. — Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)

  • alex_the_tired
    October 14, 2024 11:51 AM

    I often wonder why people don’t believe in climate change. I mean that sincerely. You can show it with a middle school science fair and under $500 in supplies. I suspect a lot of it comes down to the fundamental flaws in our left-of-center crowd.

    As Ted has pointed out, we don’t have a true progressive left in this country. I agree. We’ve got a bunch of weak-kneed milquetoasts who are so constantly tentative they almost trigger a gag reflex of revulsion. We don’t have universal healthcare, welfare is an exercise in shaming, unemployment insurance drops you off the dock after 26 weeks, college is now economically the wrong choice, childcare is basically handing your kid over to someone who filled out a form and took a 30-minute video lecture to qualify as a “licensed” childcare provider, etc., etc. Remember, these were the people in charge when Roe v. Wade’s head went under the water just like Mary Jo Kopechne’s.

    The Right? They aren’t much better, but we can see the results of what they ARE accomplishing: the militarization of the police, the continuation of the theocratizing of public education, the ever-growing prison population, the complete elimination of privacy “to keep us all safe forever and ever” (which the left aids and abets with its orgiastic worship of Apple and its hongs and Facebook and its Big Brother routine), the continued tampering with the electoral process (which the left has known was a big problem ever since the 2000 election was decided by a single Supreme Court justice’s vote).

    Compare all that to Joe Biden’s vague nonsense about bringing chip manufacturing back to the U.S. How? The Chinese factories are mostly automated, staffed with mostly slave-wage employees, and have resources, shipping, know-how, and business contacts. It’s like Reaganomics all over again. It only works as a fantasy, and even then, it’s so improbable you can’t really buy into it unless you’re drunk.

    I understand why the flyovers don’t buy into the narrative on climate change. The same people pushing it are the same people who aren’t getting shit done on anything that truly matters. The left? When some black woman raising a kid on her own and working two crap jobs is put in charge, I’ll be happy to take the left seriously. But as long as the trustfund crowd who “only buy organic” are the ones in charge? Nah, fool me six hundred times, shame on you, fool me six hundred and one times, won’t be putting food on my family …

    • The old Left/Liberals were Pacific Internationalists, all in favour of peaceful cooperation with the other nations of the world. They were shown what happened to the Left as Franco took over España and killed off just about all the Leftists, and then Hitler took over Germany and started WWII.

      The old Right/Conservatives were isolationist, and they were blamed for the loss of more than 2,000 American lives at Pearl Harbor.

      First, we got the new Right, the neocons, who believe in bringing ‘peace’, ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ by bombing, blockading, and starving nations until they capitulate to a neocolonial regime, with the leader (whatever they want to call him, her, or it) a loyal anti-Woke American puppet.

      Then we got the new Left, the neoliberals, who are for bringing ‘peace’, ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ by bombing, blockading, and starving nations until they capitulate to a neocolonial regime, with the leader (whatever they want to call him, her, or it) a loyal, Woke American puppet.

  • The worst delusion is to consider climate drift, or global heating, as a belief. It is a scientifically PROVEN FACT, not a credo.

    It should therefore be UNDERSTOOD, not merely professed.

    Climate change believers are as dumb -and dangerous- as their opponents.

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