Before he allegedly killed United healthcare CEO Brian Thompson, Luigi Mangione was considered intelligent, thoughtful, kind, funny, and well-adjusted in every way. Now, because he killed someone, probably for political reasons, he’s considered insane. But what does that say about all the other people who kill for political reasons, like the President? Or Thompson himself?
Capitalism At a Glance

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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OK, OK. The US truly IS exceptional in some areas. Here are demonstrated its exceptionally inestimable a) inability for self-examination, b) hypocrisy and c) cowardice. (This particular example was brought to us by the Nobel Peace Prize winning US president, and 16-dimensional chess master, who thought that “democracy” would appear, with simultaneous “terrorist” disappearance, in a country about 7000 miles from WashDC if only enough wedding parties were blasted into red mist in a series of drone-mediated, international teaching moments.)
Obama was probably the greatest president. Qaddafi was stealing the American oil in Libya, while Assad was stealing the American oil in Syria, and Obama got it all back, not one drop for the Libyan and Syrian thieves, and also destroying two of the seven countries America said must be destroyed after 9/11 (Bush, Jr destroyed only Iraq, and failed to destroy Afghanistan which wasn’t even on the list). Obama did a great job also destroying Somalia, Sudan, and Lebanon, so 5 of the 7, and now that Syria has no anti-aircraft batteries, Israel can easily carpet bomb Iran, the last of the seven.
I find it both unexpected and expected that the CEO crowd has such a tin ear to this (considers a number of terms) termination. For many years, the CEOs and their class have cheated the middle-and-below classes at every turn — lousy raised, elimination of the pension, shaming/cancelling anyone who tries to assert personal life is more valid that company commitment, etc.
Now, a rogue outlier has actually managed to take out one of the lower class of CEOs (a mere 10 million a year, practically a pauper). Look at how Luigi Mangione did it. The last time someone struck such a level of fear into people was when 19 people hijacked four planes for practically peanuts (the whole operation was estimated to cost less than a million bucks — a tenth of a low-level CEO).
And what’s the response? The upper class is practically ensuring more will follow. It’s like the democrats, except they took the most-expensive path possible to bringing about their collapse. I guess I should be grateful I’m broke.
What is to be considered insane by an insane society standards?
My point exactly.