After 3-1/2 years, it increasingly appears that President Biden hasn’t always been fully in charge of either his mental faculties or his administration’s policies. Who made the big decisions? We may never know.
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Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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“We may never know?”
I think it yields to a little Socratic questioning. Let’s start ab initio (using the principle of quidquid Latine dictum sit altum videtur) with the axiom that Joe Biden is mentally incompetent to some degree. Mr. Biden’s wife, a doctor, is an active part of his administration. If Joe Biden has an impairment, Jill Biden knows it. No credible explanation exists for her not knowing. Ditto, Joe Biden’s other doctor. Further, Hunter Biden is in constant contact with Joe Biden as are the inner Biden circle in the White House. There’s just no way to not find a loose thread to pull on at the lower levels.
This is low-hanging fruit for Trump. He gets to humiliate a rival. He gets to deliver a devastating credibility blow to the democrats. AND he, de facto, forces the media to confirm the “Deep State” does exist in that an entire administration covered up a president’s mental infirmities. I hope we’re all ready for a third Trump term in 2028.
President Trump never referred to Ss Obama or Hillary as his VP.
But I heard him give the order, ‘All US troops out of Syria,’ and not one left. The Teleprompter said, ‘I am ordering the US troops into Syria to overthrow the dictator who gassed his own people and bring Freedom and Democracy to Syria,’ but instead of reading, he said, ‘I order all the US troops out of Syria.’ So they explained that he was not in charge, the only thing he could order was redecoration of the Oval Office, and gave him the same Teleprompter. Again he said, ‘I order all US troops out of Syria.’ A bunch of his staff resigned, saying they could not work for a president who had absolutely no idea what his job was.
If you have any evidence that Jill or Hunter Biden has influenced any policy or action by Joe Biden, please present it. Barring that, I will instead assume that the usual suspects, such as cabinet members, are the ones who have presented options to Joe Biden. And the president then said yes, no, or redo it, etc. I have every reason to believe that Joe Biden is able to understand and evaluate what is presented and to make sensible decisions based upon it. Frequently, I don’t like his decisions, but that means that we disagree, not that he is unable to make competent decisions. If you have evidence that he is unable to competently make decisions, please present it.
I will present my evidence on the Sept. 10 debate stage. Assuming Biden hasn’t stepped down “to spend more time with his family” before that.
Circumstantial evidence can be used to form a credible case. If Gilligan and the Skipper wash onto a deserted island right out of the New Yorker — size of a large dining room table, one coconut tree — and the Skipper cuts down the tree and leaves on his own, and Gilligan’s dead body is seen, skull caved in with a coconut, I don’t need to see the actual act of the Skipper repeatedly slamming the coconut into Gilligan’s bucket hatted head to conclude that a murder happened.
Joe Biden didn’t drop a shrimp puff on the carpet. He didn’t trip over a loose shoe lace. He is constantly making mistakes, appearing out of focus, misspeaking. The evidence for his family being “in” on it? Again. there is literally not one possible way in heaven or Earth that Jill and Hunter could NOT be aware of these gaps and symptoms. They aren’t thousands of miles away. They are constantly in communication with him. They have been for years. It is LITERALLY impossible for them to not have seen the change — the same change dozens of politicians and journalists on both sides have noticed — in Joe Biden.
The whole point is moot though. Biden can’t be replaced. If the dems replace him, there’s a risk the replacement will lose (a risk being the polite way of saying, dead certainty — this is the guy who just ducked an assassin’s bullet by the thickness of a deck of cards; he’s got the luck of the Devil). If the dems lose, the loss has to go square on Biden’s neck. And the house cleaning has to go all the way through the dnc’s mid and upper ranks. Replace them all. Or get used to saying “Emperor Trump.”