Back to the Basement

Like Joe Biden in 2020, Donald Trump is 78 years old and showing signs of dementia. How can Republicans cover up the truth about his cognitive acuity? Fortunately for them, the Democrats showed how it’s done.

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  • angry lil’ theodore and his lil’ theodore-world, complete with paper dolls

  • alex_the_tired
    October 11, 2024 8:31 AM


    Apparently, judging by all the photo ops where presidents are seen trotting into church with a bible visible in their hands — an interesting phenomenon as most of the churches I’ve been in have bibles/hymnals in the pews — it seems diminished mental capacity is a prerequisite for the position.

    So what’s the problem? Whether you can’t draw a clock face or whether you believe U.S. Mideast policy should be dictated by the need for the fundamentalists to ascend to their fictional heaven without factually dying first (which explains why we’re pumping so much money into Israel), does either make you less (or more) trustworthy with the nuclear launch codes?

  • How would you keep Trump away from the cameras, set up fake rallies with a paid crowd, and filmed by an online Trump friendly “news” service, then EDIT everything. For White House press briefings only allow in friendly press and pull him off stage and take him to the golf course when his speeches wander off into the clouds.

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