Politicians who are directly responsible for the murders of thousands of women walk away scot-free. Meanwhile, though to grab a few asses face the destruction of their careers. No intelligence is arguing that sexual harassment is acceptable, but let’s get serious: if women are important, shouldn’t their lives be important too?
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
8 Comments. Leave new
Ah, Ted, you’ve forgotten Ralph Waldo Emerson’s dictum to the effect that a foolish consistency is the bugaboo of little minds. Consider our dear anti-abortion crusaders, who claim to hail the sanctity of human life, but embrace capital punishment – and, of course, the interminable wars you mention above. They, at least, don’t have «little minds»….
Pitiful choices in elections, having to choose between the Ass-Grabber and the Ass-Stabber (Remember Hillary’s cackles over the death of Qaddafi by knife up his ass).
But my god, how the money rolls in….
White Asses Matter!
The ass-grabbers are grabbing white, presumably Christian asses, while taking health care away from welfare queens who squirt out brown babies just to increase their monthly payments. Muslims are going to Hell anyway, bombing them expedites the process.
I’m sorry, what’s the problem here?
Please insert sarcasm emojis where appropriate.
Repeating the ‘fact’ that everyone ‘knows’ about the welfare queens, when Clinton (Bill) abolished all welfare, and with excellent effect.
In Texas, whomever the woman names as father must pay $700 a month, and most minorities have minimum wage jobs with a take-home pay of $650, making them felons who go to gaol for 20 years. Greatly reduced crime, since most young, unattractive minority men are in Workhouses (when a single woman has a baby, she knows not to name the father, who was ‘hot’, but anyone else she knows who isn’t).
The overwhelming majority on gocomics are Clintonbots.
‘She gave Bush, jr the authority to invade Iraq, blame him, not her.’
‘I meant Libya, not Iraq.’
‘Libya is far better off thanks to Secretary Clinton, and I have quotes to prove it.’ (And there are LOTS of quotes that Libya is much better off. Good reporters are careful never to go anyplace like Libya, so they can repeat the official neocolonial line without being confused by any facts. Before the war, Libya provided everyone with free healthcare, and the unbearable suffering of insurance company executives was so horrendous no decent person would ever describe it.)
Followed by, ‘Don’t blame Secretary Clinton for Iraq.’ (A good theme bears reiteration.)
But they’re right: we wouldn’t have to worry about men touching women had we elected Clinton. She promised regime change in Russia, and that would have fixed everything.
«She [i e, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton] promised regime change in Russia, and that would have fixed everything.» Indeed it would, Michael, but the good thing is that the deep state is still struggling toward that end, so perhaps we shall get to experience a thermonuclear conflagration before we roast ourselves to death via anthropogenic climate warming….
What’s not to like ?…