All Hail the Prisoner-in-Chief

It is more likely than not that Donald Trump will be on trial, facing prison time, during the 2024 election campaign. It is also more likely than not that he will be the Republican nominee for President of United States. So it’s entirely possible that he will become president behind bars. And the Constitution doesn’t seem to have a problem with that.

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  • alex_the_tired
    July 5, 2023 3:42 AM

    The Constitution has impeachment. If Trump is elected, he can be removed by that mechanism.
    But he won’t be. The neutered democrats don’t have the necessary high ground. I see that the Biden administration has been ordered to stop using its influence with social media to silence critics. And there’s the whole laptop thing, which really does leave the heavy scent of corruption hanging in the air.
    Checks and balances only works if all three branches aren’t crooked. Right now? All three look at least a little guilty.
    We should all be terrified. Me? Fire up the popcorn. I wonder how much longer the fourth branch of government (the media) can continue along its shallow, infotainment path before if ends up at a concentration camp.

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