Cartoon for December 22

As noted, all the dialogue in panels one, two and five are real. Giuliani said this stuff on an interview with Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room” with Wolf Blitzer. Of the current crop of presidential hopefuls, it’s a toss-up as to whether Giuliani or Huckabee would be the bigger fascist. But Giuliani does seem to have the unhealthiest obsession with torturing. What’s in HIS dungeon?

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Even a Broken Democracy

Part of why American democracy is so fucked up: Even when people vote the right way, they do it for the wrong reasons. This week’s example: John Edwards is by far the best candidate. But some of his supporters are oh so wrong.

Cartoon for December 17

Mitt Romney really, really, really wants to be president. Really.
Really gross.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.

Cartoon for December 15

The auction is tomorrow! Bid early and bid often.

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Cartoon for December 13

Evangelical Christians, and many other people, worry about Mitt Romney because Mormons believe in strange things. But all religions are weird.

Click on the cartoon to make it bigger.
