Beau Geste

The U.S. military is offering citizenship to foreigners in exchange for service.

The Last Republican

Why, with overwhelming majority control of Congress, are Democrats still sucking up? Because it feels natural.

Trickle-Down Obamanomics

Obama’s bailout plan helps the corporations who caused the economic mess, and not one of their victims.

Too Complicated

Why not just close Gitmo now and let the detainees go? “Too complicated,” say Obama and Obama’s torturers (they’re his torturers now!).

Re-Invade Afghanistan!

Iraq may be winding down. But Afghanistan is just rebeginning!

Thank God we can afford more military misadventures.

The Welfare Kings

Why not treat recipients of corporate welfare the same way we treat regular welfare recipients–who receive a mere $110 per week on average (for a family of three)?

Free to Go

Incredibly, mass murderer and mass torturer George W. Bush remains at large. Justice, apparently, is not something Obama cares about.

Obama’s Top-Shelf Tastes

Obama likes to read up on the Civil War. Compared to Bush, it’s nice to see someone who likes to read. Based on his cluelessness about Afghanistan, however, he needs to expand his reading list.
