
Barack Obama’s speech at Notre Dame about abortion continues his ongoing quest for oppressed people to make nice with their oppressors.

Liberal Projection

In all the ways that matter to liberals, Barack Obama is the second coming of George W. Bush. But in the same way that Republicans project their values of small government and low taxes on a party that doesn’t adhere to them, liberal Democrats project values of being antiwar and pro-civil liberties that they don’t make the slightest pretense of following.


I got this idea after a few people tried to reach me by email. People think it’s 100% reliable, but nothing could be further from the truth. This got me thinking of the old trope of the prisoner about to be executed awaiting clemency from the governor.

Join the Atheist Movement

This was inspired by a New York Times article about how atheism is catching on. Funny, for me it’s not like that. I’m not against religion (although, objectively, it is a terrible distraction from efforts needed to solve real problems and often becomes a conduit for hatred)…I just don’t think about it. The idea of getting together with other people who don’t believe in God makes me laugh.

The Immoral Majority

The torture debate has come down to whether or not it’s effective. Why are opponents of torture playing this game? Whether or not torture works is irrelevant. Even if it would save millions of lives–and that’s a stretch, to say the least–it’s wrong. What happened to Americans? Why are we so morally bankrupt? Wrong is wrong. It doesn’t matter whether or not it pays.

You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby

It’s true: U.S. puppet Afghan president Hamid Karzai has signed into law a bill that requires Afghan women to have sex with their husbands at least every four days, except when they’re menstruating or sick. The Taliban were progressive by comparison–they stoned rapists to death.

Same Old, Feels Great

Obama is amazing. First he gets credit for closing Gitmo—even though he leaves it open for a year and is moving the inmates to Bagram. Then he refuses to prosecute torturers. Now he’s retaining Bush’s kangaroo court system at Gitmo. When are “liberals” going to realize that our first black president is just another fascist?

Cartoon for May 7, 2009

Arlen Specter’s defection to the Democrats has prompted Republicans to start downplaying (but not changing) their unpopular positions on abortion, gay marriage, and other social issues.

Randy’s Makeover

The Republican Party, licking its wounds from the results of the last election, argues whether to deemphasize its stances on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, which have proven unpopular with voters. Should it abandon those positions, or lie about them?
