In The Year 2525

In the year 2525, as the old song goes, everyone will still be listening to endless droning on and on and on about how Woodstock and everything else Boomer was so super awesome that nothing else can or ever will approach it in its awesomeness. Which may very well be true, in which case, we REALLY don’t want to hear it anymore. For God’s sake, let us enjoy our pop culture lameness!

Obamaman Vs Rightzilla

If you ever needed proof that incrementalism can’t work, Obama’s healthcare proposals weren’t the victims of the vast right-wing attack machine, but rather of the Democrats’ own prediliction for arguing against themselves. “If we ask for too much, they won’t give it to us, so we’ll ask for less. Wait, now they want us to compromise from our fall-back position. OK, we can do that.” And so it goes, as the Republicans smell the stink of weakness and exploit it for all its worth. And who can blame them, except the families of the dead?

What Happens to Murderers

Seven months after taking office, Obama allows the greatest mass murderer in U.S. history to enjoy a cozy retirement.

Hypocrisy in Honduras

Obama accuses his critics of hypocris on Honduras because, this time around, the U.S. is not lifting a finger to help remove a dictator–as opposed to its usual practice of working hard to install them.

IFart Nation

It’s true: the iFart iPhone app has already been downloaded a billion times. At 99 cents a download, that means that iFart is worth nearly a billion dollars. God Bless America.

Let The Rerebuilding Begin

The New York Times published the results of a study that proves that, 15 to 20 years after a layoff, most people still haven’t recovered economically.

But We Probably Won’t

He campaigned on a campaign slogan “yes we can,” but all we’ve heard since Barack Obama became president is how he can’t. We can’t close Gitmo. We can’t help beleaguered homeowners. We can’t pass socialized healthcare. We can’t get out of Iraq. We can’t get out of Afghanistan.
