
I just had to drive 1-1/2 hours to visit the nearest doctor on my healthcare plan. But hey, what do you expect for $800 a month?

Rejection Dot Com

4 million Americans have lost their unemployment benefits because they’ve given up looking for work.

Barry Bonds, PFC

News Item: U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are abusing steroids and psychotropic drugs in order to bulk themselves up into musclebound masters of occupation

No Matter

Afghans are celebrating the destruction of the last remaining matter left in Afghanistan.

Swine Flu Scamming

Swine flu could infect half the U.S. population this winter. The good news: swine flu is one of the few illnesses they’ll treat without medical insurance.

What A Difference White Skin Makes

The government kidnaps kids from Afghanistan and tortures them on the flimsiest pretexts. Meanwhile, white supremacists bring guns to Obama’s appearances and walk away free.
