
Obama blames Republicans for a future of not getting much done, but what did he get done for the last two years, with a Democratic Congress?

Women in Combat

Gays in the military are OK. How can we get women into combat? Don’t ask, don’t tell.


Dick Cheney needs a new heart. Fortunately, there’s a ready supply.

State of the Union 2011

As the U.S. economy continues its downward spiral, the State of the Union Address is the president’s biggest opportunity to try to convey a sense of normalcy.

Promises, Promises

Obama promises to replace every job lost since 2008. How can he make it happen? The statistics, and history, says it’s impossible.

The Results of Violent Political Rhetoric

After the shooting of a Tucson Congresswoman and a federal judge, political adversaries complain about one another’s violent political rhetoric. Perhaps the violence in our society reflects the violence of our politics.

No Place for Violence

After the Tucson shootings of a Congresswoman and a federal judge, President Obama argues that there’s no place for violence in American society. Then we went off to discuss one of his wars.
