SYNDICATED COLUMN: Conservatism with a Heart? It’s Called Socialism
SYNDICATED COLUMN: Healthcare Insurance Pigs Soaking Americans With Secret 20%-40% Rate Increases on Obamacare
The proper reaction to this disgusting move — remember, we’re talking about a for-profit corporate sector that rakes in billions of dollars a month and pays its CEOs millions of dollars a year — is to line up the executives responsible against a wall and shoot them full of holes, then deny the healthcare claims of any who survive just because, as the rest of us routinely experience.
SYNDICATED COLUMN: Welcome to the Machine, President Sanders
“Welcome to the White House, Mr. President-Elec…I’m sorry—Mr. President. Hard habit to break. This way, sir — this is the Oval Office. If there’s anything you need, just let me know, sir.”
SYNDICATED COLUMN: Are Millennials the Most Ageist Generation Ever?
Those 30-year-old gatekeepers in Silicon Valley and elsewhere who think that everyone over 35 has nothing to contribute are screwing themselves too, and leaving money on the table.
SYNDICATED COLUMN: If Rachel Dolezal is a Liar, What is Barack Obama?
SYNDICATED COLUMN: Digging Your Own Grave: Evil Employers Can Lay You Off, But You Don’t Have To Go Quietly
SYNDICATED COLUMN: Empty Symbolism – Why the Freedom Act Sucks
Even as symbolic reform of the NSA, the new USA Freedom Act falls woefully short of what is needed. Unfortunately, many Americans will settle for this and move on to another issue.