DMZ America Podcast #103: Debt Ceiling Madness, Gaming the GOP Primaries, and the War on Gay

Editorial cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) analyze the week in politics, and what’s coming up next. Tune in for informed passionate debate between two best friends who prove that it’s possible to disagree while remaining civil.

A controversial compromise bill negotiated between President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy goes to the House of Representatives for a vote. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. Will the US government default on June 5? Even if this bill gets through, is it too late to preserve America’s credit rating?

Donald Trump has a full slate of new primary rivals for the GOP presidential nomination, most notably, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who had a disastrous launch and is now seeing his polls go exactly the wrong direction, and former Vice President Mike Pence. Does Trump face any credible threat from these competitors?

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made a name for himself, declaring war on “woke,” even including Disney in his campaign to demonize LGBTQ people. Why do Republicans keep waging culture war even though it’s a loser at the polls? Also: separating reactions to gays and lesbians from controversies over transgender people.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 103 Sec 1: Debt Ceiling Madness

DMZ America Podcast Ep 103 Sec 2: Gaming the GOP Primaries

DMZ America Podcast Ep 103 Sec 3: The War on Gay

Erdogan Retains Turkish Presidency While Kosovo Witnesses Upheaval

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss top news, such as Erdogan retaining the Turkish presidency and clashes between Serbia and Kosovo. 
Melik Abdul: Conservative commentator, Cohost of Fault Lines 
Nebojsa Malic: Serbian-American journalist, blogger and translator
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst 
Scott Stantis: Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 

In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by Conservative commentator and Cohost of Fault Lines Melik Abdul to discuss the debt ceiling deal. 
In the second half of the hour Serbian-American journalist Nebojsa Malic discusses Serbia’s clashes with Kosovo.  
In the last hour, International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda joins to discuss an array of topics, including drone attacks on Moscow, the Turkish elections, and Zelensky requesting Ukraine to sanction Iran. 
The show wraps up with Scott Stantis, Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune, on Memorial Day weekend gun violence. 

The Final Countdown – 5/26/23 – Debt Ceiling Default Approaches Amid Bipartisan Talks

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss breaking news, such as the debt ceiling default approaching. 

Steve Gill: Attorney and CEO of Gill Media  
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst 
Scottie Nell Hughes: Conservative commentator, Host of 360 View on RT 
John Kiriakou: Cohost of Political Misfits 
In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by Attorney and CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill to discuss the IRS Whistleblower coming forward. 
In the second half of the hour International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda joins to discuss Russia deploying nukes to Belarus. 
In the last hour, Conservative commentator Scottie Nell Hughes joins to discuss the 18-year sentencing of the Oath Keepers founder. 
The show wraps up with John Kiriakou, Cohost of Political Misfits, on Henry Kissinger turning 100. 

Ron DeSantis, Torturer and Future President

Hello. I’m Ron DeSantis and I approve of the following message.

As you may have heard, I’m running for President of the United States. You could only have heard it because I announced it on an audio-only platform called Twitter Spaces, which my friend Elon Musk assured my staff is futuristic and will therefore appeal to hipster kids. We also like it because no one got to see my face and my face scares people.

I own it: I have the face of a torturer. That’s because I am a torturer.

If you see my face, there’s a chance you are being tortured.

So audio is better.

Some guys say they didn’t choose the torture lifestyle, torture chose them, but that’s not true about me. I was obsessed with the movie “A Few Good Men,” which takes place at Guantánamo. When Jack Nicholson barked at Tom Cruise, “you can’t handle the truth!” I was hooked. Like Tom Cruise, I became a JAG and volunteered to go to Gitmo. But I was more into the Jack Nicholson character. His character carefully cultivated a culture of abuse I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into. Evil is so cool.

When I got to Gitmo, hundreds of terrorist Muslim scumbags—OK, they’ve pretty much all been released because none of them actually did anything, but whatever—were on hunger strike. My C.O. asked me: “How do I combat this?” I was, like: “Hey, you actually can force-feed. Here’s what you can do. Here’s kind of the rules for that.”

It was awesome! They strapped the dudes into a chair. Then they stuffed a rubber tube down their nose and poured down two cans of some protein drink. (There was also “rectal rehydration” but I officially didn’t get to see that, wink wink, “would” have been so rad!)

I watched this terrorist dude—OK, they never charged him and the wusses at the Pentagon he was “innocent” or whatever—named Mansoor Adayfi getting force-fed. He wrote that “a male nurse forced that huge tube into my nose. No numbing spray. No lubricant. Raw rubber and metal sliced the inside of my nose and throat. Pain shot through my sinuses and I thought my head would explode.” Hilarious! He totally remembered me, especially me grinning and making fun of him.

            Like I said: if you see my face, you might be getting the hardcore business end of Uncle Sam.

            If elected, I will personally torture anyone who annoys me, even if they are innocent —especially if they are innocent. I will torture migrants and gays and abortion sluts. I will torture Mickey Mouse.

            I won’t lie: it’s not going to be easy. Trump is ahead of me among Republican primary voters 58% to 16%, and his lead keeps increasing. My plan is to let Trump get up to 100%. He has nowhere to go but down after that.

            My other plan is to spend $200 million on my campaign. If nothing else, I’ll stimulate the economy in the crucial campaign worker sector. Maybe my campaign workers will repay my generosity by voting for me.

            If those don’t work, I’ve got my ace in the hole: torture.

            I’m an outstanding torturer, but I’m only one man. I can’t torture all the voters I need to become the Republican nominee, much less all the swing voters in key states I’ll need in the general election while evading process servers from the war crimes tribunal in The Hague. But I don’t need to torture everyone in order to win.

            If you’re thinking about voting for someone else, however, consider this: I may torture you. Do you want to wake up in the middle of the night, strapped to a chair rubber hose, jammed down your throat? Do you want to gag and scream, then catch a glance of my smirking face with my dead piggy eyes and bloated cheeks and realize you could have avoided all this pain by donating generously to my campaign and wearing nothing but my T-shirts, and covering your car with my stickers and voting for me? Believe me, the answer is no.

            Do not make me torture you. Actually, go ahead.

            It’s more fun than being president.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

The Final Countdown – 5/24/23 – Ron DeSantis 2024? Florida Governor to Announce Candidacy

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss hot topics, such as Ron DeSantis planning to announce his candidacy. 
Mitch Roschelle: Media Commentator, Podcaster, Macro Strategist 
Rev. Gregory Seal Livingston: Ordained minister, pastor, Civil Rights leader 
Nebojsa Malic: Journalist, blogger, and translator
Kiji Noh: Journalist, political analyst, writer and teacher 
In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by Media Commentator, Mitch Roschelle to discuss Ron DeSantis’ 2024 candidacy. 
In the second half of the hour Rev. Gregory Seal Livingston, ordained minister, pastor, and Civil Rights leader joins to discuss the Illinois clergy abuse cases. 
In the last hour, Nebojsa Malic, journalist, blogger, and translator, to talk about the Target controversy. 
The Final Countdown wrapped up with Kiji Noh, to talk about the U.S. defense pledge with Papua New Guinea. 

The Final Countdown – 5/22/23 – Ukraine to Receive F-16s After Loss of Bakhmut

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss hot topics, such as Ukraine’s loss of Bakhmut. 
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst
Steve Gill: Attorney and CEO of Gill Media 
Melik Abdul: Co-host of Fault Lines 
John Kiriakou: Cohost of Political Misfits, Former CIA Analyst 
In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda to discuss Ukraine’s loss of Bakhmut and the U.S. wanting to supply F-16’s to the country. 
In the second half of the hour Attorney and CEO of Gill Media, Steve Gill joins to discuss the latest out of the debt-ceiling debacle. 
In the last hour, The Final Countdown talked to Co-Host of Fault Lines Melik Abdul to discuss the latest abortion bans and how it affects the 2024 elections.
The Final Countdown wrapped up with John Kiriakou, Cohost of Political Misfits about the Greek and Turkish elections.

The Logic of Militarism

The Washington Post published an opinion piece today that epitomizes the logic of militaristic imperialism. Check out this excerpt:

These are words. They’re scary words. If China invades Taiwan, these words argue, our daily lives—here! in the United States!—would be dire-ified! Scary as they are, though, the words don’t really say anything.

Each sentence, taken individually, is a massive leap of logic. How, exactly, would America’s position in the Asian-Pacific region be “gravely weakened”? The authors don’t say. No hows are included in this argument—which is typical of this sort of neo-con argument, going back to the domino theory.

A great way to test grandiose claims like this is to turn them around. What if the argument appeared in China Daily, and read like this:

What if the U.S. invades Grenada? China’s geopolitical position in the Caribbean, and the perception of China’s allies in the Caribbean, would be grievously weakened. This would increase America’s global hegemony, which it would use to weaken our (Chinese) prosperity and mess up the everyday life of Chinese people. Therefore, China must defend Grenada!

Such an argument would rightly be dismissed as nonsense. China doesn’t have, nor should it have, any say over the Caribbean. If the U.S. invades Grenada, China would not be affected.

So it is with Taiwan.

(Missing here is the highly relevant fact that the U.S. legally considers Taiwan to be part of China. Under American law, China can’t “invade” its own territory.)

I’m pointing this out because this is exactly the kind of twisted logic used to justify invading Iraq, and Vietnam, and defending Ukraine. What if what if? This then that then this other thing—but if you take a beat to think about what’s actually being said, none of it makes sense.

Warmongers are like used-car salesmen. The sell comes hard and fast—to keep you from thinking.

The Final Countdown – 5/18/23 –

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss hot topics, such as the Ukraine-Russia grain deal extension. 

James Bradley: Asia, Indo-Pacific historian, critically-acclaimed best-selling author
Nebojsa Malic: Serbian-American journalist, blogger, and translator
Mark Sleboda: International Relations and Security Analyst 
Camila Escalante: Journalist, and correspondent in Latin America 
In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by best-selling author and Asia Indo-Pacific historian, James Bradley to discuss Biden’s trip to Japan for G7. 
In the second half of the hour Serbian-American journalist Nebojsa Malic joins to discuss the White House lax regulations for U.S. Think Tanks.  
In the last hour, The Final Countdown talked to International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda about the Ukraine-Grain Deal extension. 
The Final Countdown wrapped up with journalist Camila Escalante about the Ecuadorian President’s impeachment. 

DMZ America Podcast #102: RFK Jr., the Durham Report, Texas GOP Undermines Democracy, Trans Sorority Sisters

Nationally syndicated Editorial Cartoonists, Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right), start off this edition of the DMZ America Podcast with a deep dive into the fight for the 2024 Democratic Party nominating process for president. Prevailing wisdom is that President Joe Biden will get the nomination in a cakewalk. Not so fast, says RFK Jr., who is polling at 19% among Democratic primary voters, not to mention Marianne Williamson, tracking at 9%. Ted and Scott go on to look over the Durham Report and its implications, which prompts the question of the Corporate Left and Mainstream Media dismissing the overwhelming evidence that the Russia-Trump collusion story simply isn’t real and never was. Finally, in the third segment, Texas’ red legislature’s decision to strip its blue cities of much of their administrative power is fodder for discussion—is this a constitutional move or will it be allowed to stand? Finally, Ted and Scott wrestle with changing views of trans people and the specific case of a trans person in a sorority. Should this be allowed? You’ll have to listen to learn what the guys think of this.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 102 Sec 1: RFK Jr. Surges

DMZ America Podcast Ep 102 Sec 2: the Durham Report

DMZ America Podcast Ep 102 Sec 3: Texas GOP Undermines Democracy, Trans Sorority Sisters



The Final Countdown – 5/17/23 – Whistleblower Reveals Hunter Biden IRS Team Reassigned

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Manila Chan and Ted Rall discuss top news, such as the reassignment of the Hunter Biden IRS investigation team. 
Angie Wong: National media spokesperson for Veterans for America First 
Mark Frost: Economist, professor, consultant, marine
David Swanson: American anti-war activist, blogger, and author
Ruben Navarette: Syndicated columnist, commentator 
In the first half hour, the hosts were joined by National media spokesperson for Veterans for America First Angie Wong to discuss the Hunter Biden IRS team being reassigned. 
In the second half of the hour, economist, professor, and consultant Mark Frost joins to discuss the latest debt-ceiling developments. 
In the last hour, The Final Countdown talked to American Anti-War activist David Swanson about the Brown University report on the effects of the War on Terror. 
The Final Countdown wrapped up with Syndicated columnist Ruben Navarette to discuss CNN’s drop in viewership. 
#HunterBiden #IRS #DebtCeiling #WaronTerror #CNN #FoxNews #MSM #Anti-War