Available for the First Time Online
I am frequently requested for digital versions of my 1995 essay for Might Magazine entitled “Quit Your Job, Work is a Sham.” Heretofore this seminal bit of Generation X arcana had existed only in print in two books, both out of print: my 1998 book REVENGE OF THE LATCHKEY KIDS and a Might anthology entitled “Shiny Adidas Trackshoes and the Death of Camp.” (Dave Eggers has always had trouble coming up with good titles.)
Now thanks to an obsessive blogger’s efforts at transcription, there’s an online version. For the record, Plant Seeds’ efforts are a flagrant copyright violation. Also for the record, I own the copyright and I hereby authorize this particular version because it’s so cool.
There are some typos and a lot of punctuation errors but in deference to the huge demand for this piece, I’m pointing you to it nevertheless.