The Final Countdown – 10/30/23 – Israel Cuts Off Gaza’s Internet Access as Humanitarian Crisis Worsens

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news, including the latest out of Gaza. 
Issa Amro – Human Rights Activist 
Steve Gill – Attorney & CEO of Gill Media 
Lauren Fix – Auto Expert 
Nebojsa Malic – Serbian-American journalist 
The show kicks off with Hebron-based Human Rights Activist Issa Amro sharing his perspective on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza as the death toll rises as the ground invasion begins. 
 Then, Attorney & CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill joins to discuss the latest out of Trump’s legal woes, touching on the 14th amendment trial in Colorado, the reinstated gag order in the election case, and the New York fraud case. 
The second hour begins with Auto Expert Lauren Fix sharing her insights on UAW’s tentative agreement with GM, ending the strike against Detroit automakers. 
The show closes with journalist Nebojsa Malic breaking down the primary elections, specifically Biden’s no-show at the New Hampshire ballot.  

Israel Is Not Acting in “Self-Defense”

            “Thou shalt not kill” is probably the oldest and most widespread moral and legal edict in human civilization, common to nearly every culture. However, there is one universal exception: even in countries that prohibit capital punishment and euthanasia, murder is permitted in self-defense.

            At this writing, Israel has murdered more than 7,000 Gazan residents over the last three weeks. Israel and its supports say this bloodbath is justified as self-defense. “Israel has a right to defend itself and its people,” President Biden said on October 7th, hours after Hamas fighters killed more than 1,400 Israelis.

            Is it really “self-defense”?

            Israel is framing its war against Gaza as a nation’s legitimate right, under international law, to defend itself. “We are in a war for our sovereignty, for our existence, and we have set ourselves two fundamental objectives: to eradicate Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities and to do everything possible to bring the hostages held by the Palestinian Islamist group back home,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told TV viewers. “There is no place for a balanced approach. Hamas must be erased off the face of the planet!” added Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen.

            There is nothing balanced about Israel’s response. Carpet bombing has destroyed nearly half the homes in the Gaza Strip. Israel has killed many times more Palestinian civilians than it lost on October 7th. A ground invasion will unleash more misery and mayhem.

            Reasonable people may disagree over whether Israel’s response is justified or likely to prove effective.

No one should call it self-defense.

            International law clearly governs how a nation like Israel is supposed to respond to an attack like October 7th. Article 51 of the U.N. Charter permits “self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations”—the exact situation here—“until the [U.N.] Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” As a U.N. member state, Israel should have requested assistance from the Security Council. They still ought to.

            Israel’s claim to self-defense ended hours after the Hamas attack, when the IDF had killed or routed all Hamas fighters on Israeli territory and retaken control of the areas that had previously been overrun. The status quo ante was restored as of October 8th, with the exception of the more than 200 hostages seized from Israel and now held by Hamas in Gaza.

            After Israel secured the areas broached by Hamas, a different body of law applied. Israel’s bombing campaign, which began on October 8th, might only be justified as a preemptive act of self-defense—a military campaign to prevent future terrorist attacks by Hamas. The Bush Administration claimed that its invasion of Iraq fell into this category, but that war clearly failed the so-called “Caroline test” formulated by the U.S. in the 19th century and which now guides international law. In 1837, Secretary of State Daniel Webster declared that a nation-state could only justify the use of military force in a case of imminent threat that was “instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means, and no moment of deliberation” and, these conditions being satisfied, military action should be proportional: “nothing unreasonable or excessive; since the act, justified by the necessity of self-defense, must be limited by that necessity, and kept clearly within it.”

Self-defense is not a blank check for unlimited vengeance or retribution. Being angry or insulted or traumatized does not justify revenge. A nation-state is only permitted to apply the bare minimum of force necessary to repel or neutralize a threat.

That’s not what Israel is doing to Gaza. Dropping 8,000 bombs on a tiny densely-populated area, cutting power and communications and indiscriminate assaults are not needed to keep Hamas from reentering Israel. Netanyahu’s stated goal of regime change, toppling the Hamas government, is hardly a bare minimum requirement to reduce the threat to minimal levels. It is maximalist. It is illegal.

It is an obscenity.

If anyone doubted that Israel has already gone far beyond what is permitted under international law, the heated rhetoric of Israel’s leaders and its patron the U.S. make that clear: the State Department sent internal memos to its officials warning them not to use the phrases “de-escalation/ceasefire;” “end to violence/bloodshed” or “restoring calm.”

When you’re censoring calls for calm, you’re probably on the wrong side of the law.

What constitutes self-defense for a nation-state is similar to that for an individual. Laws in the U.S. vary by state; Florida’s “stand your ground” law grants more leeway than New York, which requires you to retreat if possible and only permits you to use deadly force if you believe you or someone else are at imminent risk of physical harm. Basically, though, self-defense as a defense to a murder or manslaughter charge ends when the threat, which must be substantial and likely to occur, ends.

May I kill a robber who points a gun at me? Maybe. The moment he drops his weapon and turns tail, however, the answer is no. If at that point an assailant has hurt and/or robbed me, it is completely understandable that I might want to chase him down and hurt him to get even. It would also be illegal.

What should I do, nothing? No. I should call the cops. For a nation-state the U.N., not Israel or the U.S., is the world’s policeman. Israel should request assistance from the U.N.

Of course, a threat does remain from Hamas. Specifically, Israeli hostages are in danger. Rockets are fired into Israel. But neither justifies carpet-bombing or a ground invasion.

Bombing actually imperils the hostages. Hamas’ primitive rockets without guidance systems kill an average of three Israelis a year. As deplorable and tragic as those killings are, a bombing campaign that has killed over 7,000 people in three weeks is wildly disproportionate under the Caroline test.

The “rules-based international order” has obviously broken down. Who can remember the last time U.N. troops parachuted into a crisis zone in order to establish peace and order, much less did it well? Israel can be forgiven for dismissing that option out of hand. But just because everyone breaks the rules doesn’t mean they’re not still the rules.

What Israel is doing can be characterized in many ways.

But it’s not “self-defense.”

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

The Final Countdown – 10/27/23 – U.S. Launches Heavy Attack on Eastern Syria

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss the top news, including the U.S. striking Syria. 

Rory Riley Topping – Legal Analyst at Spectrum News 

Tyler Nixon – Army Infantry Veteran 
Carter Clews – President of Constitutional Rights PAC 
Esteban Carrillo – Editor at The Cradle 
The show kicks off with Legal Analyst Rory Riley Topping sharing her legal expertise on the Maine manhunt. 
Then, Army Infantry Veteran Tyler Nixon weighs in on Trump’s legal woes, including a judge fining Trump for breaking his gag order in the former President’s fraud trial. Nixon also broke down Special Counsel Jack Smith urging a federal judge to reimpose a partial gag order in the election interference case. 
The second hour begins with President of Constitutional Rights PAC Carter Clews sharing his insights on the investigation into Hunter Biden. 
The show closes with Editor at The Cradle Esteban Carrilo joining The Final Countdown to talk about the U.S. fighter jets launching airstrikes on two locations in eastern Syria, as well as Israeli troops entering Gaza. 

DMZ America Podcast #122: We Have a Speaker! Meet the Woke Pulitzer Prize. Should Americans Pay for Ukraine and Israel’s Endless Wars?

Editorial cartoonists Ted Rall (from the Left) and Scott Stantis (from the Right) discuss newly-elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson (R-LA) and the process that led to his ascension. Scott raises the possibility that Representative Matt Gaetz and the far right-wing Freedom Caucus played the Republicans in the House to get the most radically-right Speaker in the history of the institution. 

Next, Ted and Scott fill out the painfully woke questionnaire sent out by journalism’s most prestigious award, the Pulitzer Prizes administered by Columbia University. Listen, (and watch on YouTube), as the questions get progressively more politically correct. Making Ted rename the award “The Woke-litzer Prize.”

Finally, Ted and Scott discuss the question of the United States and its taxpayers spending billions and billions on the Ukraine and Israel wars. Should monies that might be better spent here at home be sent to conflicts that have very little to do with America? Scott and Ted take a deep dive into both and find disagreement over Israel as well as common ground over Palestine. 

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 122 Sec 1: We have a Speaker!

DMZ America Podcast Ep 122 Sec 2: Meet the Woke Pulitzer Prize

DMZ America Podcast Ep 122 Sec 3: Should Americans Pay for Ukraine and Israel’s Endless Wars?

The Final Countdown – 10/26/23 – New Speaker Faces Daunting Challenge of Righting House Ship

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss the latest current events, including the new House Speaker. 

Dan Lazare – Independent journalist & author 

Steve Gill – Attorney & CEO of Gill Media
Lauren Fix – Auto Expert 
Mark Sleboda – International Relations & Security Analyst 
The show kicks off with Independent journalist & author Dan Lazare discussing the new House Speaker and the weeks of chaos that led up to his election. 
Then, Attorney & CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill discusses the Biden family saga amid new revelations of the FBI allegedly receiving “criminal information” from 40 confidential sources. 
The second hour begins with Auto Expert Lauren sharing her insights on the UAW reaching a tentative agreement with Ford.
The show closes with International Relations & Security Analyst Mark Sleboda weighing in on the latest out of Gaza amid a climbing death toll among Palestinians and military escalation in the region. 

The Final Countdown – 10/25/23 – Trump in Hot Water as Another Lawyer Turns Witness in Georgia

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss a variety of topics, including Trump’s ongoing trial in Georgia. 

Steve Abramowicz – Owner & CEO of Mill Creek View 

Lauren Fix – Auto Expert & Car Coach 
Esteban Carrillo – Journalist and Editor for The Cradle 
The show kicks off with Steve Abramowicz, Owner & CEO of Mill Creek View, to discuss former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleading guilty in the Georgia case surrounding Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election
Then, Auto Expert & Car Coach Lauren Fix shares her perspective on the UAW strike expanding to the GM Assembly plant in Texas, spiking the movement to 45,000. 
The show closes with Journalist and Editor for The Cradle, Esteban Carrillo weighing in on the latest out of Gaza, as the United Nations Secretary-General calls for a ceasefire in the region. 

The Final Countdown – 10/24/23 – Israel Faces Potential Two-Front War as Conflict Escalates

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss hot topics, including the latest out of Gaza. 
Elijah Magnier – Veteran War Correspondent 
Steve Gill – Attorney & CEO of Gill Media 
Nebojsa Malic – Serbian-American journalist 
Scott Stantis – Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune 
The show kicks off with Veteran War Correspondent Elijah Magnier sharing his insights on the latest out of Gaza, as Hamas releases two more hostages. 
Then, Attorney & CEO of Gill Media Steve Gill shares his perspective on the latest out of Trump’s Georgia case, where another attorney has taken a plea deal. 
The second hour starts with Serbian-American journalist Nebojsa Malic discussing Russia’s and the U.S.’s perspective on the need to build a “new world order.” 
The show closes with Cartoonist for The Chicago Tribune Scott Stantis weighs in on the House Speakership crisis. 

The Final Countdown – 10/23/23 – Second Lawyer Turns Witness Against Trump in Georgia

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news, including Trump’s legal woes in Georgia. 
Ted Harvey – Former Colorado State Senator and Chairman of 
Robert Fantina – Author, journalist, and activist 
Alan Grayson – Former U.S. Representative and Former Congressman for Florida 
Fiorella Isabel – Journalist and geopolitical analyst 
The show kicks off with Chairman of Ted Harvey sharing his perspective on the House Speakership saga, as nine contenders seek to unify the GOP. 
Then, author and journalist Robert Fantina weighs in on the humanitarian crisis in Gaza as Israel’s war wages on. 
The second hour starts with Former U.S. Representative and Congressman for Florida, Alan Grayson, sharing his insights on Trump’s legal woes in Georgia amid his co-defendant entering a plea deal.  
The show closes with journalist and geopolitical analyst Fiorella Isabel breaking down Argentina’s elections and the latest out of Ukraine. 

Ukraine and Israel Are Very Special Democracies

          Hi. Joe Biden here, asking for more money for Ukraine and Israel.

            Many Americans are asking: why, while millions of Americans are unemployed and getting evicted and starving and homeless, should we ignore our own people and send billions of dollars to foreign countries instead? The answer is: democracy. We have to defend democracy.

            Ukraine and Israel aren’t just democracies. They’re special democracies.

            Very special democracies.

            Ukraine, for example, is the kind of democracy that doesn’t hold elections for local offices. There were supposed to be parliamentary elections, this month, but…yeah. There weren’t and there won’t be. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly legal because after the war with Russia started in February 2022, martial law was declared and the Ukrainian Constitution doesn’t allow elections under martial law.

            Ukraine is so democratic that it doesn’t even need to have presidential elections anymore. Martial law again. And who declared martial law? Why, it’s that sly rascal President Volodymyr Zelensky—make that President-for-Life Volodymyr Zelensky. We’re so dysfunctional here in the U.S. that House Republicans can’t agree with themselves who should be Speaker. But Ukraine is streamlined! The guy who would be running for reelection this spring won’t have to, because he personally said so! That’s a very special democracy.

            Under “martial law,” a term that no one has ever managed to define, Ukraine is a kind of democracy in which “conducting referendums, organizing strikes, and holding public demonstrations and other mass gatherings are prohibited.” Special!

            President-for-Life Zelensky points out: “according to the [martial law] legislation, it is forbidden to hold elections.” Legislation that he signed unilaterally, of course. He is so committed to the rule of law that he refuses to unilaterally cancel a law that he unilaterally created in order to cancel the rule of law.

            As everyone knows, you don’t need to hold elections to call yourself a democracy. Aside from martial law, there would be some big logistical challenges to holding an election right now. Like, Zelensky could lose! In the last poll of Ukrainians before the war, 53% of voters disapproved of his job performance and 38% approved.

            Also, an election without other candidates and parties isn’t much fun. Ukraine has banned all left-wing parties, and also banned 11 other parties, including the biggest one, whose leader is under house arrest. Better not to bother.

            Even if there were other parties and candidates to run against Zelensky, which there are not, they wouldn’t be able to campaign because “conducting referendums, organizing strikes, and holding public demonstrations and other mass gatherings are prohibited” under martial law. Who needs campaign rallies, because who would report about them anyway? His Excellency the President-for-Life has imposed state censorship on newspapers, shuttered opposition websites and shut down all opposition TV outlets and consolidated them into his own state TV platform. He calls it a “unified information policy.” No more channel changing! Save on monthly subscriptions to media apps!

The U.S. spent over $14 billion on the 2020 election. Ukraine is a very efficient democracy. They’re spending nothing at all! We must defend this penny-pinching beacon of freedom.

Israel, I like to say, is “a safe, secure, Jewish, and democratic state.” OK, not that safe. But, like Ukraine, it’s a democracy. Israel is a very very special kind of democracy.

In a democracy, the right to vote is one of the most fundamental privileges accorded to a citizen. The trouble is, sometimes people vote incorrectly. And in a democracy, all you need to do to be considered a citizen is to be born and live in the country.

To fix this problem, Israel has decided that only its very best people—the 9.6 million residents of Israel “proper”—can be citizens. The 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza or the 2.7 million Palestinians in the West Bank are, as the vernacular goes, S.O.L. (The 500,000 Israeli settler-colonists squatting in the West Bank are, however, fully vested voters.)

Of the 9.6 million Israelis in Israel proper, 2.0 million are Israeli Arabs and 500,000 are neither Jewish nor Arab. If they and the West Bank settlers voted alongside their fellow 5.1 million Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank in a unified Israeli-Palestinian state, there would be 7.6 million Jews almost tied with 7.1 million Arabs.

Too much democracy.

On the other hand, 5.1 million Palestinian citizens of their own viable nation-state in a two-state scenario would present a different problem. The Republic of Palestine would have a seat at the United Nations, embassies and consulates all over the world, foreign news bureaus. Journalists and tourists could freely come and go. Palestinian citizens would talk. They’d complain, even about Israel. I mean, they do that now—but people might pay attention and—God forbid—care!

So Israel has an à la carte democracy. They lock the Palestinians away in Gaza and the West Bank, out of sight and out of mind, stateless and hopeless and voiceless, under Israeli occupation but without the right to vote. The Jewish “majority” of Israel enjoys the Middle East’s only thriving democracy.

Imagine how cool it would be if we could do that here! Turn the flyover “red” states into an occupied stateless concentration camp without voting rights. The remainder, the coastal “blue” states, would become a liberal paradise. No more Trumpies. Abortion rights—back. E-vehicle charging stations everywhere.

Israel has biggified democracy!

So, my fellow Americans, please join me in supporting Ukraine and Israel, these two very special, very expensive democracies.

While you’re still allowed.

(Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

DMZ America Podcast #121: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans, House Speaker Crisis, Biden’s Terrifying Speech

Editorial Cartoonists Ted Rall (from the political Left) and Scott Stantis (from the political Right) discuss national and international events of the week.

First up: as we enter the third week of the war between Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, there are rising fears of regional escalation. Has Hezbollah agreed to open a second front against Israel? Will Iran attack Israel? How long will it take Israel to overthrow the Hamas government and what kind of regime do they plan to install if and when they succeed? Right now, it looks like they are poised to repeat the mistakes America made in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya.

In the second segment of the podcast, Ted and Scott discuss the constitutional crisis created by the Republican Party’s inability to choose a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Steve, Scalise and Jim Jordan are both out. Will the speakership ultimately wind up in the hands of an obscure congressman? In the meantime, congressional business has ground to a standstill.

Finally, Ted and Scott react to President Biden’s second Oval Office speech since he became president. Squinting, unable to read the Teleprompter, tripping over his words and slurring, this was an extremely disturbing performance that seems to belie Democrats’ claim that he is a viable candidate for 2024. Will he resign? Step aside mid-campaign? Or try to muddle through somehow to reelection? Scott and Ted also discuss the substance of Biden’s speech: his attempt to link the Ukraine and Israel conflicts.

Watch the Video Version of the DMZ America Podcast:

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 1: Israel Playing Into Hamas’ Plans

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 2: House Speaker Crisis

DMZ America Podcast Ep 121 Sec 3: Biden’s Terrifying Speech
