Posted by Susan Stark
We, Palestinians, are not alone
The best of humanity is on our side
Mighty truth… Gracious morality is on our side
Justice, dignity, human values, radiant hope are on our side
Soil, sand, and stones
Trees, poppies, lemon zest, and morning mist
Jerusalem sunshine and Jenin’s moonlight
Haifa’s Carmel and Jaffa’s shoreline
Are all on our side
We stand firm
As the stick of Moses
Splitting good and evil
Refusing to bow down
Our tragedy is a sieve
Filtering the wicked away
We all live a fleeting moment and soon die…
Better to die standing on our feet
Than to live crawling on our knees
Better to live with a wounded body
And a soul whole
Than to live and die
Inflated by arrogance
Bent by corruption
Twisted by greed
weighed down by oppression
Lusting after power
With a disfigured soul
Poem by Nahida