The Book of Obama: From Hope and Change to the Age of Revolt

How did a charismatic young president elected in an atmosphere of optimism and expectation lead the United States to the brink of revolution? From a chance encounter in the early 1980s to the Democratic primaries of 2007-08, I was one of the first to size up Barack Obama as we know him now: conservative, risk-averse and tone deaf. In The Book of Obama I revisit the rapid rise and dizzying fall of Obama–and the emergence of the Tea Party and Occupy movements–and draw a startling conclusion: We the People weren’t lied to. We lied to ourselves, both about Obama and the two-party system. We voted when we ought to have revolted. Here’s the story of what went wrong — and a prescription for real change.

In The Book of O(bama): From hope and change to the age of revolt, Rall lays out his case, and it’s a strong one, for why we should revolt instead of vote, how the only hope we have for real change in this country is to trash the broken Democratic-Republican duopoly and create something new that better serves a diverse nation. —Phoenix New Times

Political Analysis/History, 2012
Seven Stories Press Trade Paperback, 6″x9″, 240 pp., $14.95

To Order From Amazon: click here.

To Order A Personally Signed Copy directly from Ted:

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“Ted Rall is a terrific journalist and a take-no-prisoners political cartoonist.”
—San Diego Union-Tribune

Column Debuts on MSNBC

My column debuts at MSNBC’s Lean Forward blog today.

Please give them some love by linking to them; that’s how they know it’s worth supporting a writer’s work.

This column will likely go out via syndication later; the arrangement is that MSNBC gets me first. After 48 hours, I’ll post it here and distribute to other clients. Newspaper customers shouldn’t notice any difference.

Ted Rall Live in Washington (State)

Thanks to everyone who came to Live Wire in Portland last night. Such a fun audience!

My Book of Obama tour arrives in Washington state tonight! During the next four nights I’ll be in Seattle, Bellingham, Tacoma and Olympia, so if you’re a Washingtonian you have no excuse not to come out and talk about the election, Occupy Wall Street, cartoons—and of course buy books. Remember—the Right supports its authors (Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity) by buying books in bulk. Don’t complain about the hegemony of the Right if you don’t support lefties.

Saturday, June 2, 2012
7:00 pm
Elliot Bay Bookstore
1521 10th Avenue
Seattle, Washington 98122

Sunday, June 3, 2012
2:00 pm
Village Books
1200 11th Street
Bellingham, Washington 98225

Monday, June 4, 2012
7:00 pm
Kings Bookstore
218 Saint Helens Avenue
Tacoma, Washington 98402

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
7 pm
Orca Books
509 4th Avenue East
Olympia, Washington 98501
