The Final Countdown – 2/23/24 – Biden Faces Heavy Competition in Michigan Against ‘Uncommitted

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news domestically and abroad, including the Michigan primaries. 
Alan Grayson – Former U.S. Representative 
Paul Wright – Managing Editor, Prison Legal News 
Robert Fantina – Author, journalist, activist 
Tyler Nixon – Counselor-at-law 
The first hour begins with Former U.S. Representative Alan Grayson, who shares his perspective as a Democrat, on how Biden is expected to perform in the upcoming Michigan primary. 
Then, prison expert Paul Wright shares his analysis on Jan. 6 prisoners being moved to undisclosed locations. 
The second hour starts with author, journalist, and activist Robert Fantina discussing the latest out of Gaza, and Israeli PM Netanyahu’s plans for the region. 
The show closes with Tyler Nixon, counselor-at-law, sharing his perspective on former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov being rearrested. 

The Final Countdown – 2/22/24 – Former Informant Accused of Lying Suddenly Deemed Credible on Russia

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss current events worldwide, including a long-time FBI informant being charged with lying. 
Ajay Pallegar – Criminal and Civil Attorney and Political Analyst 
Tyler Nixon – Political Commentator
Jamie Finch – Former Director at the National Transportation Safety Board 
Armen Kurdian – Retired Navy Captain 
The first hour begins with criminal and civil attorney Ajay Pallegar about the ongoing legal drama surrounding the Biden family. 
Following that conversation, political commentator Tyler Nixon joined to discuss the case regarding the former FBI informant charged with lying about the Biden family’s business dealings. 
The second hour begins with Former Director at the National Transportation Safety Board, Jamie Finch, who breaks down the latest Boeing blunder, including the head of the 737 Max program stepping down. 
The show wraps up with Armen Kurdian, who shares his perspective about Biden’s crackdowns on migration at the Southern border.  

The Final Countdown – 2/21/24 – Biden’s Record Fundraising Fails to Sway U.S. Voters

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news worldwide, including Biden’s presidential campaign. 
Steve Gill – Attorney 
Daniel Lazare – Independent journalist 
Professor Francis Boyle – Human rights lawyer, professor of international law 
Mark Sleboda – International Relations and Security Analyst 
The first hour begins with attorney Steve Gill, who shares his perspective on Biden and Trump’s campaign strategies. 
Then, Daniel Lazare, an independent journalist, weighs in on the ongoing hearing for Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange who is facing U.S. extradition. 
The second hour begins with Professor Francis Boyle, who shares his perspective on the U.S. vetoing a United Nations resolution demanding a ceasefire. 
The show closes with international relations and security analyst Mark Sleboda, who breaks down Russia’s response to U.S. accusations over the country having capabilities to bring nuclear weapons to space. 

What’s Left 4: We Need a Real Minimum Wage

college tuition | Ted Rall's Rallblog

            When Gallup pollsters ask Americans what causes them the most stress and worry, personal economic concerns—the cost of living, lack of money, the gap between rich and poor, difficulty finding a job or, if they’re employed, low wages—consistently come in first, so much so that they can’t imagine saving for the future. General economic issues like poverty, hunger and homelessness come in next. In a capitalist country with decades of rising income inequality and a modest safety net, these findings come as little surprise.

            The rent is too damn high; buying a house gets more and more out of reach. We’re living paycheck to paycheck, expenses rise faster than salaries, and bosses, who can fire you at will even if you’ve been working hard and following the rules, have absolute power in a country where 10% of workers belong to a union. No wonder we’re worried sick.

            Economic insecurity is America’s biggest political issue. Yet neither of the major parties campaigns on it. At most, they’ll refer to it obliquely, as when nativists call for reduced immigration—sometimes they argue that new arrivals take away jobs from the native-born.

            Many of the other things that keep people up at night are partly or fully grounded in economic insecurity. Crime and violence are more pervasive in poor neighborhoods, courts are better-staffed and more efficient in wealthy areas. Patients worry about being able to afford to see a doctor and pay for medications at least as much as they do about the quality of healthcare. Racial tensions dissipate in places and periods of prosperity.

            The failure of bourgeois electoral democracy to address the nation’s biggest political issue, economic insecurity, is tailor-made for the agenda of the Left, which historically has been grounded in Marxist class analysis.

            Naturally, the ultimate goal of Leftists is the overthrow of capitalism, which centers inequality and monopoly as inevitable at best and laudable at worst, with a socialism that provides equal access to the basic necessities of life and equal opportunity to achieve more. But Revolution is not like a cake; there is no recipe to follow. All the conditions must be ripe and, frustratingly to the revolutionist, the determination that those conditions exist can only be affirmed after the fact of success.

            One predicate for revolution is a well-organized grassroots movement. There are few better ways to build such a structure than to consistently and relentlessly agitate for improvement in people’s economic living conditions—which are, after all, their biggest problem—in elections, street demonstrations, strikes, sit-ins, sabotage and other militant actions centered around a Left programme that demands improvements in wages, benefits and government safety-net programs.

            Never has the public been more predisposed to the argument that government ought to intercede on behalf of those who are having trouble making ends meet, or fear that unemployment might put them into such a position. People’s buying power has been ravaged by inflation, corporations are again turning the screws after a brief period of liberalization driven by the post-pandemic labor shortage, and it has been 60 years since a major party proposed a federal anti-poverty program (LBJ’s Great Society).

            Some bourgeois political analysts, particularly the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, identify the vacuum in the dialogue space of economic injustice. But neither party can meaningfully address issues like poverty and homelessness for one simple reason: they are capitalist parties. Whatever room existed for the reformist impulse vanished after the postwar period yielded to the beginning of America’s late-capitalist decline. Admitting that capitalism leaves millions behind is unthinkable, let alone developing legislative attempts to fix the problem.

            We, the Left, have the signature issue of economic justice all to ourselves, provided that we do not obsess over identity politics to the exclusion of class divisions.

            Wages come first.

            A day’s work should pay enough to pay for rent, a car and other necessities. If the federal minimum wage had kept up with inflation since 1970, it would currently be $30 an hour. The average worker is twice as productive as 1970, so make that $60. For a full-time worker, that’s $120,000 a year. But 1970 wasn’t a perfect time for workers. We deserve and demand better. The Left should think of $60 an hour as the bare minimum necessary to live decently in the United States, and push for more for skilled labor.

            Think that’s unrealistic? If so, you’ve been corrupted by capitalistic propaganda that devalues labor. Bernie Sanders and the Squad are still struggling to raise the federal minimum from $7.25 to $15.00—that’s what passes for progressive! What a joke! The bosses themselves consider $60 an hour to be the real minimum wage to subsist in the world we live in today; in New York, where I live, you can’t qualify for a rental apartment unless your annual salary is 40 times the monthly rent. You need $120,000 to be considered for a $3000 per month apartment; good luck finding anything for less than that. It’s not that landlords want to discriminate against working-class tenants. They’ve learned from experience that people who earn less than $120,000 are far likelier to fall behind on the rent until they have to be evicted, costing building owners and managers money.

            Be reasonable. Demand the impossible: $60 an hour minimum wage.

            Next: the Left’s programme for economic security.

 (Ted Rall (Twitter: @tedrall), the political cartoonist, columnist and graphic novelist, co-hosts the left-vs-right DMZ America podcast with fellow cartoonist Scott Stantis. You can support Ted’s hard-hitting political cartoons and columns and see his work first by sponsoring his work on Patreon.)

The Final Countdown – 2/20/24 – Trump Ordered to Pay $354 Million in Civil Fraud Trial

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news around the world and nationwide, including Trump having to pay $364 million for fraud. 
Steve Hayes – Tax Attorney 
Nebojsa Malic – Journalist 
Andrii Telizhenko – Ukrainian Whistleblower, Former Diplomat 
John Kirakou – CIA Whistleblower 
The first hour begins with tax attorney Steve Hayes, who breaks down Trump’s $364 million penalty from his New York civil fraud case. 
Then, journalist Nebojsa Malic weighs in on the U.S. hysteria regarding the accusation that Russia is planning to deploy nuclear weapons into space. 
The second hour begins with Ukrainian whistleblower and former diplomat Andrii Telizhenko sharing his perspective on the potential aid package to Kiev and the case of the FBI informant who lied about the Biden family’s ties to Burisma. 
The show closes with CIA whistleblower and co-host of Political Misfits John Kirakou who discusses the upcoming trial for Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. 

The Final Countdown – 2/16/24 – Fani Willis Blasts Former Lover in Stunning Testimony

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss current events from around the globe, including the Fani Willis testimony. 
Steve Gill – Attorney 
Tyler Nixon – Counselor-at-law
Lynn Shaw – Founder, Executive Director, Lynn’s Warriors
Jeremy Kuzmarov – Managing Editor of Covert Action Magazine  
The first hour begins with attorney Steve Gill discussing the ongoing Fani Willis hearing and all of its bombshell moments. Then, counselor-at-law, Tyler Nixon, joins later to weigh in on the heated testimony. 
The second hour begins with the founder and executive director of Lynn’s Warriors, Lynn Shaw, on why Jeffrey Epstein victims are suing the FBI. 
The show closes with the Managing editor of Covert Action Magazine Jeremy Kuzmarov, who shares his expertise on the latest out of Gaza, including Israel’s planned Rafah offensive. 



The Final Countdown – 2/15/24 – ICE Pressures Congress with Threat of Releasing Detained Migrants After Border Bill Fails

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news from around the world, including ICE blackmailing Congress over the failed border bill. 
Ajay Pallegar – Criminal and Civil Attorney
Andrew Arthur – Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies 
Dan Lazare – Independent Journalist 
Kevin Kamps Radioactive Waste Specialist, 
The first hour begins with Ajay Pallegar, a criminal and civil attorney, sharing his perspective on Fulton County DA Fani Willis’ hearing, which would determine if she would be disqualified from the election interference case against Trump. 
Then, Andrew Arthur, a Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies gives his analysis on ICE threatening to release detained migrants in response to Congress’s failure to ensure funding. 
The second hour starts with independent journalist Dan Lazare, who shares his insights on the CIA and other foreign intelligence agencies targeting 26 Trump associates in 2016.    
The show closes with Radioactive Waste Specialist at Beyond Nuclear, Kevin Kamps, who shares his expertise on U.S. intelligence claiming that Russia might have the capabilities to launch nuclear weapons into space. 

DMZ America Podcast #137: Biden on the Ropes Over His Age, NY Special Election, Impeaching Mayorkas

Political cartoonists and analysts Ted Rall (of the Left) and Scott Stantis (of the Right) discuss the week’s current events and politics. First, the political classes try to determine whether Joe Biden’s reelection bid can be salvaged after the special counsel’s devastating assessment that he’s too senile to be charged with a felony over mishandling classified documents and, if not, will Democrats force him out and how exactly will that work?

Next, Democrats take disgraced Congressman George Santos’ former seat in New York by a comfortable margin. What, if anything, does this portend for the GOP’s chances overall this fall?

Finally, Republicans take a second stab at impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the border crisis, and succeed. Everyone gets an impeachment! But does it matter?

Watch the Video Version: here.

The Final Countdown – 2/14/24 – 200 Million Voters Select Indonesia’s Next President

On this edition of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discussed several topics from around the globe, including the latest from the Indonesian elections. 
Robert Hornak – Political Consultant 
Aquiles Larrea – Finance Expert
Steve Hayes – Tax Lawyer
Sourabh Gupta – Geopolitical Analyst 
In the first hour, The Final Countdown hosted political consultant Robert Hornak who discussed the Republican defeat in the New York district that was previously the seat of George Santos, along with the impeachment of the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. 
The Final Countdown followed up this conversation with a discussion on the latest inflation numbers. Finance expert Aquiles Larrea gives his analysis on the current state of the U.S. economy under the Biden administration. 
To begin the final hour, tax lawyer Steve Hayes spoke to The Final Countdown about federal job cuts, especially at NASA where several employees were recently laid off due to budget setbacks. 
In the final segment of the show, Angie and Ted are joined by geopolitical analyst Sourabh Gupta who broke down the Indonesian presidential election and what this means going forward for the densely populated nation. 

The Final Countdown – 2/13/24 – Pakistan Faces Uncertain Political Future With No Clear Winning Gov’t

On this episode of The Final Countdown, hosts Angie Wong and Ted Rall discuss top news worldwide, including the results of Pakistan’s elections. 
Mitch Roschelle – Media Commentator 
Tyler Nixon – Counselor-at-law  
Mark Sleboda – International Relations and Security Analyst 
Hamza Azhar Salam – Pakistani journalist 
The first hour begins with media commentator Mitch Roschelle, who discusses the special election to replace the ousted U.S. Representative George Santos. 
Then, attorney Tyler Nixon joins to weigh in on Trump’s emergency request to SCOTUS to delay his Jan. 6 criminal trial. Nixon and the hosts also discuss Trump’s hearing on the classified documents case and the possibility of Fani Willis being disqualified. 
The second hour starts with International Relations and Security Analyst Mark Sleboda, who shares his expertise on the latest out of Ukraine, including the Senate approving a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. 
The show closes with journalist Hamza Azhar Salam, who shares his insights on the split results of Pakistan’s elections. 