Correction: Adbusters isn’t merchandising the Occupy Wall Street poster after all

Just got an email from the editorial people Adbusters magazine about my post yesterday. The exchange is below. I will keep you updated if and when I hear back from them. As for the scoundrels who really are merchandising that poster, well, they should be chastised and forced to go away somewhere cold and unpleasant.

From: darren fleet

Message Body:
Hi Ted, this is Darren Fleet, senior editor here at Adbusters.

The email you received inviting you to purchase the Adbusters OWS poster did not come from Adbusters Media Foundation. Rather it came from the group calling itself the “Occupy Solidarity Network.” They run the web site. Please do not confuse them with us, and also please correct your article accordingly.

Like you, we here at Adbusters were also shocked when we received the poster sales pitch from this group. We sent them the following message via email this morning:

“Priscilla, Justine, Micah,

Are you all seriously doing this? Selling the Adbusters OWS poster? Really? Do you understand how much this undermines the entire message of the movement? Think about all the people who put their asses on the line, risked jail and police brutality, gave their time, energy and reputations … and you’re selling the poster? You’re turning the movement into a parody of itself and proving all of the critics right.

Please stop selling this poster!

Kalle, Darren and all of us here at

My reply:

Hi, that is good to hear. My apologies for the confusion and I will correct my blog entry.

The people selling the poster used exactly the same greetings that communiqués by Adbusters, and they seem to have used your mailing list as well, so naturally I thought it came from you guys. I’m really glad to hear that you guys aren’t trying to merchandise the Occupy Wall Street poster.

I would, however, also like to hear your take about asking for spec work from workers, namely the request for free writing about people’s experiences with psychiatric treatment and trauma. As you know, workers are under siege. Writers are workers. Workers should always be paid, especially if the people hiring them are drawing a salary.

It’s one thing if an operation is run completely by volunteers and its suppliers provide all of the material for free. Is that the case for Adbusters? I would be very surprised to hear that office space, telephones, printing, and so on are donated, but if that is the case I will happily correct myself on that as well. If you can pay for printers, you should pay for writers.

I look forward to hearing from them.

Very truly yours,

Updated at 1:48 EST Dec. 11, 2013:

I received the following reply from Darren:

Thanks Ted,

That specific group has poached our language and style a couple of times now, so the initial confusion is understandable. For us here at Adbusters, that OWS poster is sacred . . . it’s the one thing that nobody should ever sell. It belongs to everyone, not just one group, the Occupy Solidarity Network, who now claims to speak on behalf of the entire Occupy movement.

Regarding unpaid writers, we appreciate your concern and questions. Indeed, people are becoming more and more traumatized throughout the world. Financial capitalism is taking a heavy toll. Our intention is not to capitalize on anyone’s misgivings, but rather to give their suffering a voice. But sometimes that means accepting unpaid work. We run on a shoestring budget here at Adbusters. We’re a small not-for-profit organization with less than ten paid staff (that includes art, office, editorial and distribution worldwide), operating out of the basement of a house in Vancouver. We also have a dedicated core of volunteers, interns, subscribers, and the occasional benevolent donor, without whom we wouldn’t be able to operate at all.

When we can pay we do. Though for the specific call for submissions you received, the one for short incisive insights into mental breakdown and recovery, we did not create a budget. When it comes to this specific subject, often recognition, and the chance to at long last have your voice heard, is enough of a reward. Most of the people who send in their stories are not professional writers, they just want to get something off their chests. Also the call went out through our Culture Jammer network, folks who are long time friends of the magazine, and perhaps more inclined than others to volunteer a submission and to have their ideas be part of a larger collaboration. That said, you’re right, we should have been more sensitive and especially in reply to your initial query.

To which I replied:

Hi Darren,

I’ve blogged the correction and also pushed it out through the same social networks where the original post went out. (A pet peeve of mine is people who broadcast something mistaken and then correct it smaller and with less distribution.)

That Occupy Solidarity Network is contemptible. Anything I can do to help get the word out about those assholes, let me know.

I strongly urge you to reconsider your policy about unpaid writing. I understand and am aware of shoestring budgets, especially on the Left and especially in print publishing. However, popular opinion is now moving against, and away from, any kind of unpaid labor for writing, whether it be internships, or spec work, or writing subject to kill fees, or writing for exposure, etc. Work is work and work should be paid for.

Not being able to afford to pay writers is not an excuse. I would love to have an editorial assistant for marketing and other tasks in my studio, and I have been offered the opportunity to “hire” unpaid interns who would receive academic credit for their labor, but I have always turned them down because I can’t afford them. I hope to one day earn enough to hire an assistant at a living wage — ironically, I would be able to do so if magazines like yours were willing to hire more writers and cartoonists like me.

I can’t afford a new car so I don’t buy one. The same rules should govern writers — if you can’t afford writing, you can’t afford to put out a magazine.

Also, as I know you know, “non-profit” is merely a tax status. It is entirely legal for non-profits to pay high salaries to their staffers, and many of them do.

It is easy to do the right thing when times are good and cash flow is strong, but times like these require no less of us.

Sorry to be preachy; it’s something I feel really strongly about, and a lot of progressives agree with me.



Here Is How Ted Rall Actually Draws Monkeys

I’ve been drawing Obama pretty much the same way since 2009. Interestingly, no one said boo until last week, when my usual cartoons about Obama’s lies — this one about his reneging on his pledge to pull all US troops out of Afghanistan by 2014 — hit a little too close to home for Daily Kos, a website run for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

A rabid subset of DNC Obamabots used Kos to spearhead a campaign smearing me as “racist” for drawing the president like a “monkey” or “gorilla” or “ape” or “simian.” Never mind that most people can’t see it because, after all, it isn’t true. They censored my cartoons anyway.

Fellow cartoonist Eric Millikin suggested that I find a drawing of how I actually draw monkeys so people could see for themselves that my Obama, though not pretty, is also no monkey.

This cartoon from 2009 is a riff on my MAD magazine comic strip Fantabulaman, which mocks the superhero format by positing a superhero who really does have no weaknesses — and is thus boring. MAD did an all-monkey issue, and this was my entry.


Note, the humans come off as less attractive than our simian cousins.

This should settle the matter once and for all — but I doubt it will. When haters wanna hate, they hate.

Poll: How Should I Draw Obama?

My new smiley-face version of Obama is leaving me with a sick feeling in my stomach. I’ve never given into censorship before, and I wonder if I’m making a mistake, even though it does make Obama look ridiculous — which he deserves. So I’m turning to you, my readers, to help me decide what to do.

How Should Ted Rall Draw President Obama? free polls 

Adbusters Sells Out Occupy Wall Street

UPDATED: Turns out the email from “Adbusters” below was actually from another group. See my follow-up blog post for details.

So I got this email from Adbusters Magazine this morning:

What made this crass attempt to commercialize the crashed-and-burned OWS movement even ickier was that it recently followed this:

When I asked how much writers would be paid for their 50-300 word intimate confessions of their deepest, darkest psychic and psychological secrets, the answer came back: “nothing.”


Let’s sum up: Adbusters wants us to pay them money. While they pay workers — and writers are workers, especially when they’re working for a magazine that retails for $12 — nothing.

Please explain: What, exactly, is the difference between the Koch Brothers and Adbusters? Answer: The Koch Brothers don’t expect workers to work for free.

If the publishers and editors of Adbusters didn’t pay themselves anything, I might not bring this up. But that’s not the case. Which means they’re exploiting writers — emotionally fragile writers to boot! — for their own gain. There were divisions within the movement, but everyone would agree that this is NOT what Occupy Wall Street was/is about.


Fuck Liberal Puritans: The Ted Rall Racism Trial

This essay by Plexico Gingrich (real name? I know not) about Liberal Puritans explains the motivations and tactics of the identitarian censors at Daily Kos incredibly well. It’s a long read, but well worth it. A sample:

If you’re a Puritan, you want lots of very clear, easy to follow rules so that you have a clear path to superiority. This also makes it very easy for you to characterize others as operating in breach of the rules, and therefore being morally inferior to you. You don’t need to concern yourself with complexities like whether that person does more to improve the lives of others than you do. If they break the rules, they are bad. You follow the rules so you are good.

So “thou shalt not be racist,” as applied by the Liberal Puritan, doesn’t have much connection to stuff like the suffering of people in the real world. It is a game of “I am not a racist. Now let’s go find/invent some people who are racists, so that we can brand them as our inferiors, demonstrating how good we are by comparison.”

The Liberal Puritans don’t care about changing the world. They don’t care about drone murders, or Gitmo, or homelessness or, for that matter, real racism in the world — in prison, in the workplace, etc. They’re into playing “gotcha” politics over PC verbiage in order to destroy down the left heretics who are able to convincingly argue that Obama and the Democrats are not what they pretend to be: left, liberal, progressive, good.

On Twitter yesterday morning I saw that people were trolling me over cartoons I did in the 1990s. Two decades ago! And they weren’t talking about the political topic of the cartoons. They were picking apart the language and accusing me of being insensitive. For example, I’ve been accused of homophobia because I used the word “fag” in a cartoon. Never mind that the character in the cartoon who says the word is a homophobe, and that the cartoon attacks homophobia. That’s how crazy these witchhunters are. They literally turn the point around 180 degrees. Incredibly, a lot of people are stupid enough to fall for it.

Check out, for example this thread at Daily Kos: “Ted Rall is a RACIST. Undeniable evidence (part1).” The evidence pretended in this thread, as well as its followup Racism has no place on the left: Ted Rall edition (part2), is anything but “undeniable.” In fact, by the author’s fourth installment I’ve figured out Daily Kos (part 4 lol), even the militant Obamabots are turning against him. Yet in numbers 1, 2 and 3, numerous long-time Kos commenters are shouting hallelujahs and praise.

Note how dissent is repeatedly stifled and crushed by the Liberal Puritans at Kos. Also note how disinterested they are by actual political policy. They want to mandate codes of behavior (by me and others; they don’t adhere to them themselves) about speaking respectfully, etc.

No doubt, they’re crazy motherfuckers — not everyone at Kos, but certainly most of the loudest commenters. And crazy motherfuckers be dangerous.

Daily Kos Censorship Machine Rolls On

DNC blog Daily Kos continuing its rabid campaign to censor critics of Obama. Check out this latest of perhaps 12 posts there. There’s more crazy illogic and smears in there than you’ll see all year. (I love how the “sample” of cartoons includes two by the same cartoonist. Wonder if the Kossacks can tell?)

P.S. I wouldn’t at all be surprised if this anonymous slime bucket were a white guy with an axe to grind…a certain serial identity thief, perhaps?

This Is What a Pile-On Looks Like

Check out the pretzel logic and intellectual dishonesty behind the Daily Kos Obama dead-enders in this latest, the 10th or so assault against me, there.

The comments thread is instructive. Note that when reasonable people drive trucks through the holes in their logic, they are ignored and insulted.

Fight Censorship — Support My Work

Art: Frank Miller |  Poster: Peter Brett

As we’ve seen since last week, it’s not just the Right who wants to censor outspoken cartoonists like me — self-described “liberals” and militant pro-Obama dead-end Democrats want to crush dissent.

These fascists will do and say anything to shut down opposition to Dear Leader — especially from the left, who are trying to hold Dems to their promises to the people, because we expose their bankruptcy. They’ll lie about me and my work. They smear me as racist, even though I’ve been fighting racism my entire life — not because it’s true, but because it’s a great way to make people like me shut up.

But I’m not shutting up.

And if you think this ends in 2016 with the end of Obama’s presidency, think again. If Hillary Rodham Clinton runs, they’ll smear progressive commentators as “sexist” for pointing out that she is a tool of the money classes, an oppressor and a warmonger.

Fortunately, there is something you can do. You can support my work and that of other hard-hitting cartoonists and writers who are refusing to be cowed by the pseudo-Dems’ bullshit.

That’s the flip side of the Great Print Media Meltdown. The good side. I’m no longer at the mercy of one or two editors. Now my career lives or dies based on direct support from you, the people. Subscribe to the Ted Rall Subscription Service and get my work before anyone else. Donate. Buy my books.

It’s not just me. But this week and probably this year, I’m the one who will be on the ropes, pummeled by the Daily Kos censors.

Thanks for reading. Cartoon: The NSA Is Watching You Watch Dirty Things

NSA using Porn to Blackmail Enemies

My latest cartoon for is about the revelation that the NSA is spying on Americans’ online sex habits and porn watching histories in order to exploit “vulnerabilities” so they can be blackmailed and/or discredited. Incredibly sleazy and highly reminiscent of the McCarthy era and the Nixon Dirty Tricks of the 1970s — and it’s all courtesy of the Obama Administration.
