So, Finally We Meet

In many Internet discussions, someone who makes an assertion is often countered by someone who demand that they present a link proving the veracity of their assertion. When such proof is provided, however, there is almost never any acknowledgment that the original poster was correct.

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  • All your URL retorts were in Cyrillic.

  • alex_the_tired
    March 14, 2025 7:44 AM


    We’ve all been there. It’s hard to be sure, but I think that for most of these people, it’s simply fear and anger. It’s a scary world for Kayla’s Mama 1977 what with all the mercury-filled vaccines that no longer have any mercury and never did. And for her to admit that she was wrong from the start? She, genuinely, doesn’t understand how to form an argument. Not in her own head, not on a piece of paper, not via her keyboard. And rather than accept that she needs (a lot of) help intellectually and psychologically, she simply screws with people because that’s a way to not admit to herself that she has a lot of very serious problems to overcome.

    • In the theme of the current comic, I include a reference (sorry not a URL) that you haven’t demanded but which does “begin” to address your statement, above, regarding “the mercury-filled vaccines that no longer have any mercury and never did.”

      A section pertinent to our previous discussion on this matter can be found in:
      Chapter 4: Comparable Dangers of Ethylmercury and Methylmercury

      Title: Thimerosal: Let the Science Speak: The Evidence Supporting the Immediate Removal of Mercury a Known Neurotoxin from Vaccines
      Author(s): Jr. Robert F. Kennedy
      Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing 2015
      ISBN: 9781634504423; 1634504429; 9781634504430; 1634504437

      • alex_the_tired
        March 14, 2025 11:51 AM

        Now, see, you’re bringing this up in a rational fashion. And rational arguments can be presented, be examined, and be evaluated.

        For instance: RFK Jr. is not impartial. Skyhorse Publishing is not a scientific or academic publisher. (See “The Double Helix” by Watson and “Outrage” by Naomi Wolf — in fact, see Naomi Wolf’s entire output.)

        For instance: Ethyl and methylmercury are two different forms of mercury, so the whole “toxic” argument is not only subjective but also a red herring. Oxygen is also “toxic” in some situations (pure oxygen will, after a period, cause oxygen toxicity to biological systems). WIthout it, you die. Water has oxygen. Without water, you die. Too much water? You will also die, either by drowning or by loss of electrolytes. Ozone is simply molecular oxygen with three atoms of oxygen instead of the two in regular air. If you breath ozone in too high of a concentration, you die.

        As for mercury. The amount of mercury in a can of tuna is roughly the same as the amount of mercury that USED to be in a vaccine. HOWEVER, the molecular form of mercury that USED TO BE in a vaccine was ethylmercury, which the body eliminates in two weeks. The mercury in tuna is methylmercury, which takes about six months to be excreted from the body.

        I note that STILL, even after all the scare tactics, there is no “BAN TUNA” movement. I don’t think there’s a school in the country that doesn’t serve tuna. But it’s filled to bursting with mercury. Where’s the “tuna outrage”?

        The vaccine “debate” arose, in part, as a way for parents to find a coping mechanism for why their children were having development disorders. Correlation is not causation. If autism developed external symptoms at the age of six, people would argue that going to kindergarten caused autism. If it happened at 65? Well, clearly, retirement causes autism. Wait. It doesn’t? I’m using faulty reasoning? But it’s the same reasoning as the autism “skeptics.”

        Further, if vaccines caused autism, we would see similar rates of autism across all vaccinated groups. We do not. Rich white children have the lowest autism rate. Oddly, non-Hispanic whites have the highest immunization rates. Mercury is no longer present in any vaccines, but autism rates continue to rise. HOW?

      • Well, your response didn’t disappoint. I just loved the “But it’s (tuna) filled to bursting with mercury” flourish!!!

        I note first that in your response you show that, I guess, you really didn’t mean to say in your original comment, paraphrased, “vaccines never did contain mercury”?

        My point here, as in our previous discussion, is not the autism question, per se, but that NO mercury in any form should ever have been present in any medical product. The deleterious effects of mercury in the human body are many and have been known for quite some time. Note the book title refers to mercury/thimerosol as a neurotoxin, a general term.

        Kennedy is not a research scientist and his publisher is not a scientific journal, so what? This does not prevent him from finding, reading, understanding, discussing and referencing (and Skyhorse from publishing) hundreds of pertinent original, peer reviewed articles.

        Given the excretion rate you quote for ethylmercury, do you really think, nothing in a biochemical sense could happen while it
        is in circulation for 2 weeks? I wouldn’t be convinced unless and until all the points and references of Chapter 4 were convincingly refuted. Kennedy points out that the “favorable” (i.e.faster) elimination rate studies don’t necessarily consider rapid storage of the ethlymercury in tissues with reported absence only in easily, non-invasively, obtained bodily fluids.

        Do you have any reference(s) that demonstrate the presence in the target micro-organisms of thimerosol of some unique pathway responsible for their sensitivity … not even an analogue of which (if not exact duplicate) is present in humans?

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