Every election, including this one, Democrats like to say that it’s the most important election of our lifetime. Therefore, they say, we can’t possibly risk a Republican coming to power so we’re not allowed to vote for an independent or third-party candidate. That message might resonate a little more if they didn’t say it in every single election.
Said No Democrat Ever

Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and WhoWhatWhy.org and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The TMI Show" talk show. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
8 Comments. Leave new
If Trump wins, we will get to see his mind melt into putty in the months before he is inaugurated, and then we are in the tender loving arms of a CouchHumper, JD “I humped that couch like it owed me money” Vance.
Just makes me nauseous….
The “couchhumper” story is apparently a hoax, although I think most young teenage boys have done things just as strange. I don’t think the tender mercies of the Harris administration will be anything to look forward to, either, unless you deeply love Big Sister. After all, East Germany was a great place for the Stasi!
I’ll be voting for Jill Stein, thank you. One tyranny or another is our likely fate, but I refuse to embrace either.
I love none of the candidates running* save for Cornel West. This election has been a nightmare.
*Including the Geezer in Chief, Joseph Robinette Biden.
Petulantrallancy, the rare behavior found from socialist editorial cartoonists fired by a newspaper located in the West.
If Trump wins, he’ll be gone in about a year, two tops. Or, maybe, if the fumblin’ dems could keep Biden’s warmed-over corpse-mind in office for four years, the Republicans can turn the same trick with Trump, and he’ll make it to the end of his term.
Whether it’s Trump limping across the finish line or Vance taking up the passed torch midway, there’ll be little difference in 2028. Vance can’t inspire MAGA. Vance couldn’t inspire … well, put it this way, he’s so uninspiring, I can’t come up with a simile, metaphor, or any figure of speech of any kind to express how uninspiring he is. So, 2028, it’s going to be Vance or Some Other Inanimate Carbon Rod in the R column.
And, either way, in 2028, the dems will, again, field a wholly unsuitable candidate. Whether it’s incumbent Harris from 2024 or some other soulless corporate-climbing shill the dnc pulls out of its packaging, you can take it to the bank: he/she/they/it will be just barely good enough, with centrist policies that guarantee: improvements will be marginal, at best, and take a long, long time.
On the other hand, if Harris pulls off a miracle right up there with water into wine and wins this election — and the people who operate her keep the Republicans from simply taking it away via loophole or dirty trick — she’ll be presiding over the mess she’ll make as a democrat. Her party will almost certainly lack enough seats to control both House and Senate (and even if they did, we saw with Obama what that amounted do — nothing much) and she’ll have a huge record of non-accomplishments. We’ll certainly still not have Roe back. The middle class will still be dying on the vine. The environment will still be going merrily to hell. Gitmo will still be open, unless, like Spandau, the last inmate dies of old age. And the federal minimum wage will probably still be $7.25 (but CEO pay will continue to climb by double digits).
So let’s not any of us get too excited.
I big follower of Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald. After considering their analyses, I would put money on the idea that if Trump wins we’re going to experience a domestic version of a Color Revolution.
As long as it isn’t a CIA plot, I’m for it.
…and, if Harris wins, a domestic insurrection that will make Jan. 6 look like the joke it was.
Sorry, Strelnikov, “color revolutions” are, by definition, “CIA plots,” as is the whole unDemocratic Party, at this point.