Trump Out to Destroy Democracy

Donald Trump, his opponents say, threatens democracy. Democracy in America was already in big trouble long before Trump entered politics, though. It would be a pity to believe that defeating Trump goes far enough to defend democracy.

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  • alex_the_tired
    October 7, 2024 7:23 AM

    I, for one, welcome our orange overlord. …

    My one certainty is that if Harris wins the election (I doubt she will, but for the sake of the argument), she’s going to do a whole lotta nuthin’. She probably will have neither a Senate nor a House majority. But if she did? So what. “With 70 democratic senators and a 110% majority in the House, I have to serve ALL the people. Whether they’re just millionaires or my corporate masters, the billionaire class, I have to fight hard for them too. And they told me they didn’t want it. Keep taking that echinacea. There’s nonsense science that says it’s as good as a full course of chemo.”

    With Trump? Although Trump has the same corporate owners and masters as Harris does, Trump has so much disgust coming at him from the left (some of it legitimate and some of it just histrionics) that I don’t see any other hope for waking up enough of the brain-dead to get a legitimate uprising going.

    Bizarrely, if anyone can fix this broken system, it’s Trump. No one else can screw things up sufficiently to actually cause a sufficiently complete collapse to force everyone to put aside their idiotic me-me-me-me-me routines.

  • Max Blumenthal and crew has released a documentary film, “Atrocity Inc.,” on the genocide of Gaza at its one-year anniversary. It can be seen on You Tube:

    The edited blurb:
    ” … deceptions and atrocity hoaxes Israel pushed after October 7 to create political space for its gruesome assault on the Gaza Strip.”

    ” … US mainstream media’s role as a megaphone for the Israeli government, introducing new lies even after their initial ones were debunked.”

    “Atrocity Inc raises serious questions about the official narrative of October 7, while revealing how Israel’s army has consciously engaged in the same hideous atrocities which it falsely accused Palestinian militants of committing. “

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