This cartoon came about when I was thinking of ideas related to things Trump has done and said. I thought to myself, why bother? Anything I draw about will be forgotten about in a day or two because of whatever Trump will say or do between now and then. Whether the frenetic pace of activity and outrage is Trump’s personality or the result of a clever strategem, it seems to be working for now. Who can keep up with this guy?
Today’s Outrage Is Tomorrow’s Memory
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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“The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.”
—Milan Kundera
This cartoon is timeless – in the sense that it is applicable on any day of Komrade Trumpinskiov’s campaign and/or term of office. (awful term of offal?)
Not to worry, Ted – when he or his deep-state handlers start a thermonuclear war which puts paid to us all, nobody is going to top that one….