Trump deployed the hoary Friday-night “media dump” tactic to minimize the blowback from his pardon of racist Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio. Why can’t progressives work around such transparent foolishness?
Democrats Defeated By Idiot President, Again
Ted Rall
Ted Rall is a syndicated political cartoonist for Andrews McMeel Syndication and and Counterpoint. He is a contributor to Centerclip and co-host of "The Final Countdown" talk show on Radio Sputnik. He is a graphic novelist and author of many books of art and prose, and an occasional war correspondent. He is, recently, the author of the graphic novel "2024: Revisited."
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But Ted, surely not even Mr Trump can be held responsible for the hurricane ? And besides, the people who hate this misuse of the the presidential pardon power already abhor Mr Trump, while those who support him will not likely be bothered in the least by it, but rather approve wholeheartedly. So to my mind, there was no real need for Mr Trump to attempt to hide anything….
@ mhenriday –
“So to my mind, there was no real need for Mr Trump to attempt to hide anything….”
I agree. Number 45 doesn’t give a damn about the reaction of the People in general. He could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue in NYC and flash his tiny hand (metaphor) and wouldn’t lose any supporters.
«He could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue in NYC and flash his tiny hand (metaphor) and wouldn’t lose any supporters.» Mein verehrter Lehrer, you’re not referring to the practice known as Selbstbefriedigung in German, are you ? If so, it’s hardly surprising that doing so would not create a stir in New York ; that’s sort of like the rationale adduced by the grave digger in Hamlet when he claimed it would make no difference if the prince didn’t recover from his mental disorder in England…. 😉
@ mhenriday –
«Mein verehrter Lehrer, you’re not referring to the practice known as Selbstbefriedigung in German, are you ? »
Not quite. Simply that he could be a Gliedsverzeiger and none of his supporters would care.
Hell, probably no one would notice anyhow! 😀
«Hell, probably no one would notice anyhow!» Again, like Hamlet in England. Mr Obama could play Polonius and Ms Clinton….
What goes ’round comes ’round….
Exactly. It is a [i]damned if you do, damned if you don’t[/i] situation. If the papers decry [i]Outrage! Trump did X[/i] he wins, as long as he keeps dominating the news cycle…
If they don’t cover the outrage du jour, he wins as well.
What does “raising hell” spell out exactly? We need imaginative actions, acts that galvanize people, bring them together, and achieve small victories…
arghh, wrong brackets [[]] 😉
In this case, Andreas, in the event I understand the «flash the hand» idiom aright, «do» would seem to be more fun…. 😉
Feckless Democrats will still demand the votes of the electorate, as if they were important instead of impotent.
What basis remains for the people to respond to their appeals, but pity?
But don’t worry about them.
Democrats will win seats in the midterm elections without doing anything for the people, and then lose them again afterwards for the same reason.
> Why can’t progressives work around such transparent foolishness?
Same reason the conservatives can’t. Same reason most people can’t. What I have for lunch affects me, personally, more than Joe (“America’s Butchest Sheriff”) Arpaio, Harvey is more exciting, and people-who-aren’t-me have short attention spans.
None of which bodes well for the US of A, or the human race in general.
Was it one of Ted’s editorials I was reading? Something to the effect that pardoning Joe Assholio signals all his cronies that Duh Donald will just pardon them if some federal agency tries to plea bargain with them just because they’re sad Hillary lost? He might just be dumb enough to do that, at which point he’s the last man standing and whaddaya know? The *only* place left for the buck to stop is at The Orange One. And that’s a good thing.
(oh, was that supposed to be a rhetorical question?) 😀