Six Years vs. Two Months

After six years of dismal economic activity, two months of positive numbers on jobs and GDP have the political class and their media allies declaring that recovery has arrived. What would it take for ordinary Americans to feel the love?

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  • I would be content with Americans not voting for Hillary or Jeb, and for North Korea to hack our electronic voting machines and put Ron Paul or some fiscally responsible, non-interventionalist into the Presidency. Then you can hang 100 bankers.

  • A thousand bankers

  • Something more than a 1.7% increase in my Social Security check would help — maybe quadruple that, to be competitive with the COLA for Congress? 🙁

  • HANG A BANKER? Come on Ted, get real! BarryHO would rather commit the drone murder of a half-million (non-“Jewish”) Palestinians than hang a single one of his campaign contributors.


  • Wups, sorry!

    I should be difinitive … LEGACY campaign contributors.


  • Typical “progressive” bullshit:

    A)Selfishness: “People are benefiting, but it doesn’t mean a damn thing, because I’m not.”
    B) Lack of patience and frustration tolerance – the entire last panel’s demands are utterly ridiculous and impossible to deliver in two months- for anyone
    C) Misplaced Anger: Obama has done close to the best that was able to be done for 6 years, despite unprecedented, insane, opposition. Finally he’s been able to build up enough momentum without getting any help from Republicans to get the economy rolling again. Real progressives, people who actually believe in progress- are happy about this. “Progressive” response was the wave of negativity that will put the Republicans back in power in January and once again regrind the economy to a halt.

    Terrible cartoon- even by the low expectations I have for you.

    But as an illustration of the utter failure and complete worthlessness of the “progressive” movement, I have to say you knocked it out of the park.

    • When the top 1% are taking in 95% of the gains over the last 6 years, wages have been stagnant since 2000, we have lost an entire generation of middle class people.

      Marie Antoinette said “Let them eat cake” the elite today call us “useless eaters!” Which is worse?

  • alex_the_tired
    January 3, 2015 8:11 AM

    I agree with Whimsical about the “progressives.” Too many people self-identify as “progressive” but what they mean is “I want mine.”

    And I’m one of those people. I want what’s due me. I did all the things I was supposed to. Studied, went to school, didn’t become a meth addict, didn’t drive drunk in a crowd of people, etc. I fulfilled my part of the bargain. The difference is that I don’t just want what’s due me. I want what’s due everyone. I want everyone to get a turn on the ride. I don’t have to be first, but I’m done constantly being taken out of the line and sent to the end so that little princess can get back on again.

    As for Obama having done “close to the best” that could have been done these six years. Oh my. You’re entitled to your opinion Whimsical, but that one’s right out of the imagination of Stephen King.

    I’ve read the Constitution. The President’s powers are clearly outlined. There are many things he could have done that he did not. It is now openly acknowledged that a significant proportion of the people in Gitmo (who have not even been charged, let along given a trial) were never guilty of anything in the first place. There are many things the president could have done concerning Wall Street as well. He did not. The healthcare system in place now is some hodge-podge chimera. We got that because the president didn’t have the interest in pushing for universal healthcare. He was busy playing 11-dimension chess for the long game.

    And Hillary will be just as bad. She’s been in power or right up against power for DECADES. I still can’t find anything she’s done. It’s all either “gimmes” like voting for a reduced cap on credit cards (from 39.99% to 29.99%) or making assertions that she supports or opposes something, pause, with qualifications. At the end, she’s basically said nothing but both sides think she’s with them.

    2016. Ought to be a riot. Clinton v. Bush. No more kings.

  • Loved that last frame, Ted ! But couldn’t special lamp posts be saved for that particularly disgusting species of apologists who call ordinary people «selfish» when they want an economy to work for them, in addition to – or (gasp !) – even instead of the bankers ?… 😉


  • I gotta agree with a lot of what Whimsical and Alex have said – but I think that instead of rioting or violence in the streets in the form of protesting, it has to be directed directly towards the power brokers, the erected representatives, the heads of corps and the politically active super-rich. These are the people who run the mechanism, and they need to know that they are recognized as such. Simply barking like dogs and violating laws feeds into their hands, and they are only too glad to see you do it. It has to be taken directly to them.

    • Who is “violating laws” and which laws?

      • Well, it’s obvious. Folks like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are the rabble-rousers who will destroy any progress. What’s the alternative? Shoot the perpetrators in the head (Ferguson)?

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